UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research
UGC has established Inter-University Centres (IUCs) for providing state-of-the-art equipment & facilities for the benefit of researchers working in different universities. UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research (formerly known as IUC-DAEF), was created in the year 1990.
Welcome to UGC, New Delhi, India
2025年3月18日 · UGC-DAE was created in the year 1990 with the broad objective of developing competence and promoting research in front line areas of science and technology in Indian Universities by providing institutional framework for optimum utilisation of major research facilities established by the department of Atomic Energy such as Dhruv Reactor of ...
CRS Project - CSR
Through its Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS), Consortium offers support for utilization of its experimental facilities and beamlines at DAE mega science facilities. Utilization of CRS requires submission of a proposal through the User Portal of UGC-DAE CSR.
Dinesh Kumar Shukla - Google Scholar
UGC-DAE Consortium for scientific research, Indore - Cited by 2,223 - X-ray scattering & spectroscopy - Piezoelectric - Thermoelectric - Multiferroics
Kolkata Centre - CSR
Research at Kolkata Centre of UGC-DAE CSR covers topics related to Nuclear physics and allied areas. Kolkata Centre (KC) concentrates on the use of ion beams and radiation in basic and …
Facilities at UGC-DAE CSR, Indore - CSR User Portal
© Copyright 2025 UGC-DAE CSR. All Rights Reserved. Indore Centre provides support for beamlines at synchrotron radiations sources (Indus-1 & Indus-2); Materials under extreme condition – Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field (LTHM), Surface Science & Thin Films, Spatial/Spectral & Time Resolved imaging for materials & dynamics.
Dr. Dileep Kumar - Google Scholar
UGC-DAE CSR, Indore - Cited by 1,280 - Magnetic thin film and multilayer nanostructures - magnetic anisotropies - stress induced effects - in-situ characterization
D. SHUKLA | Scientist | PhD | UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific ...
D. SHUKLA, Scientist | Cited by 1,207 | of UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore | Read 133 publications | Contact D. SHUKLA
Faculty -
Thin films deposition, study of surface, interfaces and depth profiling in thin film multilayers, X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Mumbai Centre
The rates of fellowship range from Rs.14,000/- to Rs. 16,000/- p.m. depending on the candidate’s qualification as per the rules of UGC-DAE CSR. Enhanced fellowship is admissible for candidates having qualified in JEST/UGC-NET/GATE examination, as per admissible rules.