Tomahawk (missile family) - Wikipedia
The BGM-109 Tomahawk (/ ˈtɒməhɔːk /) Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is an American long-range, all-weather, jet-powered, subsonic cruise missile that is primarily used by the United States Navy and Royal Navy in ship and submarine-based land-attack operations.
Raytheon AGM/BGM/RGM/UGM-109 Tomahawk - Designation …
Raytheon (General Dynamics) AGM/BGM/RGM/UGM-109 Tomahawk. The Tomahawk is the U.S. Navy's multipurpose strategic and tactical long range precision-guided cruise missile. Launched from surface ships and submarines, it was used in action in all recent major U.S. military engagements, and will remain one of the most important missiles in the U.S ...
UGM BGM RGM-109 Tomahawk land attack cruise missile TLAM …
BGM-109D Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - Dispenser (TLAM-D) with cluster munitions. Ground-launched cruise missiles (GLCM) and their truck-like launch vehicles were employed at bases in Europe; they were withdrawn from service to comply …
战斧巡航导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
戰斧巡弋飛彈 (Tomahawk cruise missile,制式型號BGM-109)是一種長程、全天候、具有短翼、以次音速巡航飛行的 飛彈,名字源自 印第安戰斧。 1972年由 通用動力公司 開始研發,1983年推出服役。 戰斧巡弋飛彈設計上是一種中到遠距離,低空飛行,並且以模組化設計,能夠自陸地,船艦,空中與水面下發射。 雷神 與 麥道 都獲得過生產合約共同生产。 根據英國 簡氏防務周刊 報導,2018年4月27日 美國海軍 向 雷神公司 提出最後一份戰斧巡弋飛彈的訂單,宣告在完成 …
BGM-109巡航导弹 - 百度百科
BGM-109巡航导弹(英文:BGM-109 Cruise missile,绰号:Tomahawk,译文:战斧),是美国一型通用多用途巡航导弹。 BGM-109巡航导弹是一种全天候亚音速巡航导弹,其特点包括射程远,飞行高度较低,具有一定的隐身能力,突防能力和生存能力较强,且损伤效果好,通用性强,可由各种平台发射;且体积小,重量轻,弹翼和尾翼可折叠,机动灵活,便于运输和发射 [1-2]。 BGM-109巡航导弹由 美国海军 航空司令部和通用动力公司在1970年推出,1972年5月开始研 …
U.S. Navy Tomahawk Cruise Missile Weapons System Technical Manual
2011年7月4日 · Chapter 1 discusses the TWS mission and physical descriptions of system components and equipment required to support the system; identifies the types of documentation and documentation terminology associated with TWS operations and support; describes TOMAHAWK Cruise Missile (TCM) mission profiles from prelaunch to …
Tomahawk Long-Range Cruise Missile - Naval Technology
The UGM-109A Tomahawk (Block II TLAM-A) carries a W80 nuclear warhead. RGM / UGM-109C (Block III TLAM-C) is a conventional unitary variant, carrying a 1,000lb-class warhead. RGM / UGM-109D (Block III TLAM-D) is a submunitions dispenser variant armed with 166 combined-effects bomblets.
每日一弹:AGM/BGM/RGM/UGM-109 ‘战斧’精确制导巡航导弹
2022年3月7日 · BGM-109C(最初为BGM-109C-1和-2,但在1986年改为RGM-109C和UGM-109C)TLAM-C(战斧陆上攻击导弹-常规)是一种常规武器(与-109B TASM相同的WDU-25/B弹头)导弹,用于对高价值目标进行远程打击。
战斧系列导弹战斗部盘点 - 腾讯网
2024年12月29日 · 战斧巡航导弹(bgm/rgm/ugm-109等)旨在以高亚音速在极低高度飞行,并通过制导系统规划几个任务飞行节点,从而在规避敌对方雷达警戒区域,从而对高 ...
Tomahawk (missile) | Military Wiki | Fandom
UGM-109 Tomahawk missile detonates above a test target, 1986. A major improvement to the Tomahawk is network-centric warfare-capabilities, using data from multiple sensors (aircraft, UAVs, satellites, foot soldiers, tanks, ships) to find its target. It will also be able to send data from its sensors to these platforms.
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