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SSO UGM 2016
Universitas Gadjah Mada. Academic Portal; IT Center; Library; Research; Support; Single Sign On Enter your UGM ID and Password. U GM ID (without @*.ugm.ac.id): P assword: W arn me before logging me into other sites. R emember Me. Forgot password? Do not have an account? Create an account.
SIMASTER UGM: Login - Universitas Gadjah Mada
Contoh Email UGM Anda [email protected] cukup masukkan bungtomo. Proses
SSO UGM 2016 - Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Gadjah Mada. Academic Portal; IT Center; Library; Research; Support; Single Sign On Enter your UGM ID and Password. U GM ID (without @*.ugm.ac.id): P assword: W arn me before logging me into other sites. R emember Me. Forgot password? Do not have an account? Create an account.