Usual interstitial pneumonia | Radiology Reference Article ...
2024年10月14日 · UIP pattern at CT has specific diagnostic criteria on HRCT 16 which include honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis and traction bronchiolectasis. The distribution is often widespread, asymmetric, and heterogeneous but with subpleural and basal predominance 23.
Diagnostic HRCT criteria for usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) …
2024年6月19日 · This helps radiologists to determine the certainty of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) diagnosis based on HRCT chest findings. The importance of this guideline is that (definite) UIP pattern on chest HRCT precludes the need for tissue diagnosis 1,2,5.
寻常型间质性肺炎UIP的临床、组织学及CT特点 – 影像PPT
2017年5月24日 · UIP的CT特征包括网格状影,蜂窝肺,及牵拉性支气管扩张,病变主要位于基底部及外周带,伴有下肺容积减少 (图1A 和 1B)。 如特发性UIP患者为吸烟者,则肺容积减少相比于继发于并存肺气肿的患者,要比估计的轻。 UIP另一个常见表现为肺纤维化导致的肺结构变形 。 在大多数UIP患者,蜂窝肺是最突出的表现 (图2A 和 2B)。 蜂窝囊大小从2~20mm不等,并通常随病程进展而缓慢增大。 通常不存在实变和结节。 图1A. 图1B. 图1:63岁男性,患特发性肺纤 …
特发性间质性肺炎:特发性肺纤维化/寻常性间质性肺炎 (IPF/UIP)CT …
诊断IPF的标准: (1)除外导致ILD的其他已知病因, (2)在HRCT表现为UIP型时不必进行外科肺活检, (3)对于已接受外科肺活检的患者,则需要符合特定的HRCT表现和肺部组织病理学表现的组合时才能诊断IPF。
Diagnostic HRCT criteria for usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) …
2024年6月19日 · The 2018 revised diagnostic HRCT criteria for usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern published by the American Thoracic Society, the European Respiratory Society, the Japanese Respiratory Society, and the Latin American Thoracic Association has converged to a similar categorisation of the HRCT findings into four groups.
Usual interstitial pneumonia: typical, possible, and “inconsistent ...
Current guidelines describe three UIP patterns based on HRCT findings: a typical UIP pattern (which eliminates the need for surgical lung biopsy); a pattern designated “possible UIP”; and a pattern designated “inconsistent with UIP”, surgical lung biopsy being required in patients presenting with either of the last two patterns. 1,2,4 ...
Diagnosing Interstitial Lung Disease - ARRS InPractice
The American Thoracic Society guidelines for the diagnosis of UIP pattern break down CT findings into four categories: UIP, probable UIP, indeterminate for UIP, and alternative diagnosis.
普通型间质性肺炎病理诊断中国专家共识 (草案) - 中华结核和呼吸 …
普通型间质性肺炎,也称寻常型间质性肺炎 (usual interstitial pneumonia, UIP),是间质性肺炎主要的病理类型,1968年Liebow和Carrington [1] 首次在间质性肺炎分类中将UIP列为一种基本类型。
CT Features of the Usual Interstitial Pneumonia Pattern ... - AJR
2017年11月15日 · A usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern on chest CT scans is highly suggestive of UIP pathologic findings; the most common cause of UIP is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) [1 – 5].
A confidently identified UIP pattern on CT images is thought to be so highly suggestive of a pathologic finding of UIP that biopsy is obviated according to current guidelines, and most of these patients have IPF.