2020年10月7日 · Gypsum panels fastened to framing with 1-1/4 in. long Type W coarse thread gypsum panel steel screws spaced a max 8 in. OC, with last screw 1 in. from edge of board. When used in widths of other than 48 in., gypsum boards are to be installed horizontally. 2J.
UL Wall Assemblies, Fire Rated Wall Designs | USG
USG provides resources here for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies.
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2012年11月8日 · Table 1: UL U356 with Thermo-Ply Red or Blue Applied as Exterior Structural Sheathing in One-Hour Rated Fire Endurance Wall Assemblies (Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only) for GWB Manufacturers with Finish Ratings over 21 Minutes
and use of UL Listed or Classified products, equipment, system, devices, and materials. Authorities Having Jurisdiction should be consulted before construction. Fire resistance assemblies and products are developed by the design …
2012年11月8日 · UL U356 ®with Thermo-Ply Red or Blue Applied as Exterior Structural Sheathing in One-Hour Rated Fire Endurance Wall Assemblies (Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only) for GWB Manufacturers with Finish Ratings over 21 Minutes
UL U356 TER No. 1109-01. DrJ is an ISO/IEC 17065 accredited product certification body through ANSI Accreditation Services. DrJ provides certified evaluations that are signed and sealed by a P.E. DrJ’s work is backed up by professional liability insurance. DrJ is fully compliant with IBCSection 1703.
UL U356 Summary One-Hour Fire-Resistance Rated, Limited Load …
2012年11月8日 · UL U356 Summary One-Hour Fire-Resistance Rated, Limited Load Bearing Wall Assemblies for Thermo-Ply® Red & Blue Protective Sheathing Using IBC Section 722 Calculation Method (Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only)
ul fire resistive designs – 1 hour - u356 stc 56 construction ·5/8” firecode gyp. ·7/8" x 25 gauge furring channel @ 24" 0.c. ·rsic-1 clips @ 24” x 48” oc ·2 x 4 wood framing @ 16” oc ·nom. 6" gfb insulation ·7/16" min wood structural panel or 1/2" mineral or fiber board
UL 2556-2021 - 道客巴巴
2021年5月29日 · ul三種安全認證及標誌 ul列名 ul分級 ul認可 星级: 1 页 苏州ul电子线ul认证,pvc线材ul申请,电子线ul认证代理 星级: 3 页 创•意•因•你•而•生 星级: 37 页 暂无目录. . 点击鼠标右键菜单,创建目录 ...