Brand Policy: Trademarks, Logos, Colors, and Seal
University trademarks include the Regents Seal, Driven to Discover, the wordmark, the block m, and the mascot marks. The term also includes the University colors, though not every use of one or both of those colors constitutes use of a University trademark.
Brand Policy: Trademarks, Logos, Colors, and Seal
This policy governs the use of all University trademarks (see definition), including the wordmark and Block M. for any purpose and applies to the entire University system.
Logo Download | University Marketing Communications
Official University logos include the Wordmark, Driven to Discover, Block M, Unit/Wordmark combination, Goldy Gopher, and Regents Seal. The use of these marks on communications helps our audiences to quickly see that it is a University communication.
Regents Seal | University Marketing and Public Relations | UMN …
The Regents Seal (University Seal) The antique lamp on the seal represents the metaphysical sciences; the telescope, the physical sciences; the plow, the industrial arts; and the pallet with brushes, the fine arts. The motto, written in Latin, means "a common bond for all the arts."
The Board adopted the current seal of the Regents of the University of Minnesota on May 9, 1939. Official Use - The embossed seal is the corporate mark of identification signifying authenticity of contracts, agreements, and other documents executed in the name of the corporation, and its use is limited to that purpose.
Wordmark and Logos - University of Minnesota Crookston
University of Minnesota Crookston logo downloads and guidelines on our campus wordmark and logos. Learn about combinations, buffer space, minimum sizes, incorrect and correct usages of the logo, as well as, taglines, the Golden Eagle logo and Regents Seal.
Resources | University Marketing Communications
Learn more about UMN digital signage content guidelines including best practices and accessibility. Discover digital signage hardware and media players. Find out how to get help with issues related to using the UMN Digital Signage platform. These branded templates are ready to customize with your content.
Our Brand | University Marketing Communications
We pursue excellence in education, research, and outreach to produce discovery and innovation that improves the lives of individuals and communities throughout our state and world. Our brand, Driven to Discover, articulates the unique space we occupy in the public’s mind. All U of M units should use Driven to Discover.
File : Seal of the University of Minnesota.svg - Wikipedia
Categories: Official emblems with transparent background Seals of universities and colleges in the United States University of Minnesota University of Minnesota Crookston University of Minnesota Duluth University of Minnesota Morris
Letterhead, Envelopes and Business Cards - University Relations
Official University stationery — business cards, letterhead, and envelopes — is an important part of projecting a unified institutional identity and legitimizes the message or content. The elements that ensure consistency include the Wordmark, typeface, type specifications, ink color, and paper (which carries the watermark of the Regents Seal).