Unit of Measurement (UOM) Codes - NAMM.org
The UOM codes reproduced below are used in the Advanced Shipment Notice, Invoice, Item, and Purchase Order documents.
民用无人驾驶航空器综合管理平台(UOM) - CAAC
ACE Appendix K - Unit of Measure Codes - U.S. Customs and Border Protection
2019年1月31日 · This page provides the message formats and technical specifications necessary to electronically transmit data to CBP's automated systems.
Unit of measurement - Hasil
Unit of measurement types are used as part of the document lines in document submission. This code table is following the UN/ECE Recommendation 20, Revision 17 (2021) as per here. …
Units of Measure (UOM)
Unit of Measure (UOM) is a set of descriptive packaging parameters that is filled out when creating new items in Infoplus. This allows users to specify what an item is, what it weighs, and how it is packaged within the warehouse. UOM values can be …
There are 3 Unit of Measure codes CA, CS, CV that ... - SAP …
2020年8月21日 · The UoM code in the system is termed CV, and the ISO code for same is CS. I am not aware of a UoM code CA.
Abbrev./UOM Description AES UQ Abbrev./UOM Description AES UQ A ..... Amperes MWh …..... Megawatt hours …..... MWH
外贸询盘中 UOM: EA 是什么意思? UOM好像是计量单位的意思,
2024年12月27日 · 在外贸询盘中,UOM(Unit of Measurement)指的是计量单位,它用于衡量和计价货物。 具体到EA(Each),它是一种计量单位,表示“每个”。 比如,如果你看到某商品的价格标为“5元/EA”,这意味着每件商品的价格是5元。
Units of Measure (UOM) - Liferay Learn
Units of Measure (UOM) was released behind a release feature flag in Liferay DXP 2023.Q4/Portal GA98. It was made Generally Available (GA) in 2024.Q1/GA112. You can define your own units of measure to manage, price, and sell your inventory by these defined units. You can also use UOM to sell stock in decimal quantities.
Units of Measurement
Units-of-measurement (UOM) provides URLs for Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM) codes, and mappings to a number of units ontologies and systems, in human- and machine-readable linked data formats. UOM currently supports International System of Units (SI) "metric" units and prefixes (as used in UCUM), and a number of non-SI units.