College of Home Economics
Why Choose UP CHE? The College of Home Economics (CHE) proudly presented its lantern, Ani ng Bayan (Harvest of the Nation), during the UP Diliman Lantern Parade on December 18, 2024. This year’s lantern reflects the dedication, creativity, and perseverance of the committee led by the Department of Home Economics Education (DHEEd).
In its beginning years, CHE offered two undergraduate degree programs: BS Food Technology (BSFT) and BS in Home Economics (BSHE), major in any of the following fields: Nutrition and Dietetics; Home Arts; Clothing, Textiles and Related Arts; Family Life …
Undergraduate Programs – College of Home Economics - che.upd…
The CHE Museum; Links Menu Toggle. Research; Extension; Partnerships; Undergraduate Programs. Bachelor of Science in Interior Design. Curriculum. Bachelor of Science in Hotel, Restaurant & Institution Management. Curriculum. Bachelor of Science in …
Graduate Programs – College of Home Economics - che.upd.edu.ph
The CHE Museum; Links Menu Toggle. Research; Extension; Partnerships; Graduate Programs. Diploma in Early Childhood Development (DECD) MFLCD – DECD REQS; DECD – Curriculum; CHE-GFORM01 Graduate Application Form-Revised_Online; Appendix A …
CHE - DFSN - Undergraduate Programs - dfsn.che.upd.edu.ph
In filing your application, please prepare the following documents that you are required to submit together with your application. Upon completing Form 1 in the Online Portal and clicking on 'Save Draft', a request will be sent to your high school to provide you with a copy of your school record either in digital or hardcopy.
Haligi ng CHE: CHE 63rd Anniversary Noong ika-27 ng Hulyo 1961 naitatag ang Kolehiyo ng Ekonomiyang Pantahanan sa Unibersidad ng Pilipinas. Halina't pakinggan ang mga Haligi ng CHE, at ipagdiwang ang ating anibersaryo!
Home - Department of Chemical Engineering
2018年7月25日 · The BS ChE curriculum features an updated approach to the professional chemical engineering courses, which will prepare the undergraduate students to be proficient in doing scientific research particularly on chemical engineering applications, and to be responsible leaders in the practice of the profession.
MS ChE - Department of Chemical Engineering
2024年6月30日 · The revised MS ChE curriculum aims to promote and enhance the graduate students’ knowledge and skills in a variety of areas to strengthen the personal, academic, and research competencies vital to their success in the graduate program.
Home Economics Education - BS Home Economics - dheed.che.upd…
The BSHE is a four-year degree program which provides a broad foundation in general home economics areas and emphasizes the integration of knowledge to focus on four areas: home economics education and training, consumer studies, household resource management, and entrepreneurship and livelihood development.
Faculty - Department of Chemical Engineering
The ChE Department is home to its brilliant faculty, each member bringing different perspectives and approaches to chemical engineering education and research.