Schedule a Pickup | UPS - United States
Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of scheduling a pickup on demand for your UPS shipment. We'll come to your address for ground, air, and international packages.
Schedule a Pickup | UPS - Canada
Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of scheduling a pickup on demand for your UPS shipment. We'll come to your address for ground, air, and international packages.
Programmer un enlèvement | UPS - France
Demandez un enlèvement à la demande pour vos expéditions UPS par voie terrestre et aérienne ainsi que vos envois internationaux.
Eine Abholung terminieren | UPS - Deutschland
Profitieren Sie von der Bequemlichkeit und Flexibilität, nach Bedarf eine Abholung für Ihre UPS Sendung zu terminieren. Wir kommen für per Luftfracht, auf dem Landweg oder international versendete Pakete zu Ihrer Anschrift.
Naplánovat vyzvednutí | UPS - Česká republika
Využijte výhod a flexibility a naplánujte si pro svou zásilku UPS vyzvednutí na objednávku. Vaše balíky určené pro pozemní a leteckou přepravu i mezinárodní zásilky přijedeme vyzvednout na vaši adresu.
Plan een afhaling | UPS - Nederland
Selecteer het aantal pakketten in uw afhaling, evenals de UPS Services die zijn aangegeven op uw UPS verzendetiketten.
Schedule a Parcel Collection | UPS - United Kingdom
Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of scheduling a pickup on demand for your UPS shipment. We'll come to your address for ground, air, and international packages.
Planifier un ramassage | UPS - Canada
Profitez de la commodité et de la souplesse d’un ramassage sur demande pour votre envoi UPS. Nous viendrons à votre adresse pour les colis terrestres, aériens et internationaux.
Programma un ritiro | UPS - Italia
Approfitta della comodità e della flessibilità offerte dalla possibilità di programmare un ritiro su richiesta per la tua spedizione UPS. Arriveremo al tuo indirizzo per i pacchi via terra, aria e internazionali.
Schedule a Pickup | UPS - Estados Unidos
Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of scheduling a pickup on demand for your UPS shipment. We'll come to your address for ground, air, and international packages.