Proton (rocket family) - Wikipedia
Proton (Russian: Протон, formal designation: UR-500) is an expendable launch system used for both commercial and Russian government space launches. The first Proton rocket was launched in 1965. Modern versions of the launch system are still in use as of 2023, making it one of the most successful heavy boosters in the history of spaceflight.The components of all Protons are manufactured ...
UR500运载火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ur500运载火箭(俄语:УР500),即基础型质子号运载火箭(Протон),是苏联于1961年开始研制的大型运载火箭。 美国国防部对这种火箭的代号是“sl-9”,美国国会的谢尔顿命名法(用于识别火箭的衍生型号)则称其为“d”。 这种两级液体火箭是整个质子号运载火箭家族的基础。
Universal Rocket - Wikipedia
The UR-500 was designed to be a very large ICBM, with the throw-weight necessary to deliver the 50-100 megaton Tsar Bomba-like warhead. [4] Under pressure from Khrushchev , the UR-500 was reworked as a space launcher, and eventually renamed the Proton , the latest version of which is still in service as of 2023.
UR-500 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
UR-500 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The original UR-500 two stage configuration was designed as a monster ICBM. It was flown four times from 1965, but never deployed as an operational missile. The design was succeeded by three and four stage versions for launching of large payloads into space. AKA: 8K82;Atlantis;D;Gerkules;Proton 2;SL-9;Ural. Status: Retired 1966.
UR500运载火箭 - 百度百科
Proton rocket family - RussianSpaceWeb.com
UR-500K/7K-L1: Circumlunar mission. In 1965, after barely reaching launch pad, UR-500 was tasked with launching two cosmonauts on a trip around the Moon aboard the L1 spacecraft. The new mission prompted a drastic upgrade of the rocket with a stretched second stage, a brand-new third stage and the Block-D space tug.
Proton | UR-500 | 8K82 | SL-9 - RussianSpaceWeb.com
No other launcher has played as many roles in the Russian space program as has the UR-500 rocket, known today as Proton. Conceived at the dawn of the space race as a "super-size" ICBM, the UR-500 became a major player in the race to the Moon in the mid-1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s, the four-stage version of the launch vehicle launched Soviet planetary probes toward the Moon, Mars, Venus and ...
Initial UR-500 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
While Chelomei's OKB was still preparing the UR-200 draft project, it was proposed to use this as the basis for the UR-500 heavy universal rocket, with five times the payload capacity. These initial 1961 studies consisted of 4 two-stage UR-200 rockets lashed together, the first and second stages working in parallel in clusters.
质子K - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰 …
质子K(Proton-K)是一种源自UR-500的运载火箭。 基础构型的质子K是一款三级火箭,共发射30枚,有效载荷包括苏联的所有礼炮空间站、除美国太空运输系统携带的对接舱外,所有和平号空间站模块以及国际空间站的曙光号功能货舱和星辰号服务舱。 该型火箭还发射过TKS飞船。