Universal Rocket - Wikipedia
UR-700. The UR-700 was Vladimir Chelomei's heavy-lift entry for the Soviet moonshot. It was meant to carry cosmonauts to the Moon on a direct ascent mission in the LK-1 lunar craft. …
UR-700 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Russian heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. The UR-700 was the member of Vladimir Chelomei's Universal Rocket family designed in the 1960's to allow direct manned flight by the LK-700 …
UR-700 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
UR700使用的RD-270火箭发动机以四氧化二氮和偏二甲肼为推进剂,采用全流量分级燃烧,闭式循环,推力为671吨,推重比达到203,燃烧室压力26.1 MPa,海平面比冲约为301 s。 RD …
“最毒的火箭”----UR-700 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2020年5月5日 · UR-700使用的RD-270火箭发动机以四氧化二氮和偏二甲肼为推进剂,采用全流量分及燃烧,闭式循环,推力为671吨,推重比达到203,燃烧室压力更是达到了26.1mpa!海平 …
UR-700 launch vehicle - RussianSpaceWeb.com
The UR-700 would be capable of delivering a manned lander directly to the lunar surface, bypassing the need for entering lunar orbit and consequent rendezvous between the lander …
过去和未来有哪些比较著名的ppt火箭? - 知乎
1968年ur-700定型,第一枚火箭计划于1972年5月发射,在老切的计划中,ur-700在进行两次成功的无人飞行后,第三次将会把苏联宇航员送往月球。 UR-700火箭更像是在N-1火箭计划失败 …
Nuclear UR-700: The unknown leviathan of the Moon Race
The largest rocket project in the Soviet effort to beat America to the Moon turned out to be also the most elusive for historians. Only during the celebration of the 100th birthday of its creator …
UR-700M - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Russian heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. In 1969 the Soviet Union began project Aelita, studying the best method to beat the Americans in landing a man on Mars. Chelomei's team reached …
UR-700 / RO-31 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
Russian heavy-lift orbital launch vehicle. UR-700 with high energy upper stage consisting of 7 x RO-31 Nuclear A engines using LH2+Methane propellants with a total thrust of 280 metric …
2020年9月16日 · 是苏联宇航事业的最伟大的设计师和组织者,其是第一枚射程超过8000公里弹道导弹的设计师,也是世界上第一颗人造人造卫星运载火箭的设计师,同时也是苏联载人登月的 …