URS Corporation - Wikipedia
URS Corporation (formerly United Research Services) was an engineering, design, and construction firm and a U.S. federal government contractor. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, URS was a full-service, global organization with offices located in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. URS was acquired by AECOM on October 17, 2014.
URS - Wikipedia
Urs may refer to: Urs, the death anniversary of a Sufi saint in South Asia; Urs, Ariège, a commune in southern France; Urs (Forever Knight), a fictional character from the television series Forever Knight; Urs (given name) Urs (surname), an Indian surname; D. Devaraj Urs (1915–1982), a politician from the state of Karnataka, India; URS may ...
Urs - Wikipedia
Urșii sunt mamifere omnivore din familia Ursidae aparținând subordinului Caniformia. Deși există doar opt specii de urși, aceștia sunt răspândiți, apărând într-o mare varietate de habitate în toată emisfera nordică și parțial în emisfera sudică. Se găsesc în …
Urs (given name) - Wikipedia
Urs is a masculine given name. From the Latin name Ursus, the name means "bear". It is a popular name in German-speaking Switzerland due to the historical veneration of Saint Ursus in Switzerland. There is a community in Mysore/Bengaluru with the last name Urs. Urs means king in the local language.
URS:用戶需求,Urs,優斯諮詢,認證機構,蘇聯縮寫,規劃概念縮寫,_中文 …
蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟(英語:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,USSR;俄語:Союз Советских Социалистических Республик,СССР),簡稱蘇聯。 部分英文網站將此縮寫為URS,如倫敦奧運會官方網站、《獨立報》等。 為都市再生前進基地(Urban Regeneration Station)的縮寫。 URS 即,是指使用方對設備 RS (user requirement specification)即用戶需求說明,是指使用方對設備、廠房、硬體設施系統等提出的自己的期望使用需求說明,設計方依據這 …
Urs brun - Wikipedia
Ursul brun[4] (Ursus arctos) este o specie de urs mare găsită de-a lungul Eurasiei și Americii de Nord. Este unul dintre cei mai mari membri tereștri în viață din ordinul Carnivora, rivalizat în mărime numai de cea mai apropiată rudă a lui, ursul polar, care este mult mai puțin variabil în mărime și în medie ceva mai mare.
urs - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年11月20日 · Borrowed from Arabic عرس (ʕurs). urs. The anniversary of the death of a Sufi saint, celebrated with music and ritual. urs c or n. Inherited from Latin ursus, from Proto-Italic *orssos. urs oblique singular, m (oblique plural urs, nominative singular urs, nominative plural urs) Inherited from Latin ursus, from Proto-Italic *orssos.
9个方面解决你对URS的疑惑 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在C&Q流程中,URS是一个基本文档,用于识别系统的产品和工艺要求。 这些与产品质量相关的用户需求是以产品知识 (CQAs工艺知识 (CPPs)、法规要求和企业的质量要求为基础的。 URS中的产品和工艺要求是 C&Q 流程的输人,基于科学知识,将QRM应用于C&Q。 URS的法规要求有哪些? 中国 GMP 第五章 设备 第七十一条 设备的设计、选型、安装、改造和维护必须符合预定用途,应当尽可能降低产生污染、交叉污染、混淆和差错的风险,便于操作、清洁、维护,以及必 …
Urs - Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki - Fandom
Uriel "Urs" Cunha is a League of Legends esports player, previously head coach for Black Vipers eSports.
Template:URS - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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