ELI5: LSB and USB. What are they exactly and when do I use them ...
This is where in my experience, taking a dive into SDR and using the waterfall will help you visually understand these modes. From what I gather they are meant to increase flexibility in high noise and crowded bandwidth. Some parts of the spectrum primarily operate on USB while others you will always see LSB.
HF USB vs. LSB : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2020年4月16日 · For SSB on bands below 9 MHz use LSB. For bands above 9 MHz use USB. Back in the day SSB rigs used a 9 MHz IF system, and it was easier and cheaper to generate LSB below 9 MHz and USB above 9 MHz. With most designs these days, USB and LSB are equally easy to use, but we keep to the old convention.
LSB Vs USB : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2014年11月7日 · As mentioned, it was simply that early homebrew (and commercial) SSB filters used 5 MHz crystals, so to use sensible VFO frequencies, it was easier to put the low HF bands on LSB and the high bands on USB.
LSB vs USB - Distinction? : r/HamRadio - Reddit
2016年8月10日 · LSB vs USB - Distinction? How are the two sidebands distinguished from each other? What determines which one is the upper, and which is the lower? 4 Add a Comment Sort by: Jonathan924
I need someone to explain the difference between AM, FM, SSB, …
2018年1月4日 · I need someone to explain the difference between AM, FM, SSB, USB, and LSB. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by: unclejed613
FT8 on WSJT-X - USB vs USB-data mode - what's up with the
On the screen tap the filter icon to cycle through FIL1 FIL2 FIL3. To change the width of the filter press and hold for 1 second and a window will pop up that will allow you to adjust the bandwidth of whichever filter you selected. LSB & USB filter settings are …
Should RTTY be LSB or USB or something else? : r/amateurradio
2020年8月8日 · When I ask in my local amateur community if RTTY should be USB or LSB I'm told that it follows the normal voice SSB convention, LSB below 10 MHz, USB above 10 MHz.
LSB/USB Confusion : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2021年2月20日 · LSB/USB Confusion Can I listen to LSB if my radio is set to USB? I understand the difference between LSB and USB, but I was wondering if I had my radio set incorrectly, could I still make out the signal. So, for example, if my radio was set to USB, and I was tuned in to 2997, could I hear someone using LSB tuned into 3000?
LSB/USB use : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2018年7月17日 · LSB/USB use So, um. Is there some sort of convention on using LSB or USB in certain bands? Or like, what is typical?
Why have USB or LSB. Why not just have one SB and tune ... - Reddit
2015年8月17日 · Hello Everyone, I have bit of confusion around SSB, and have a question. I am wondering why it is required to use LSB or USB for certain modes of operation vs. just using a single side band with no "upper" or "lower" designation. I am familiar with the history of how SSB came about from AM, and I always thought it was just a convenient convention to have. What confuses me is I see some posts ...