日本NOK橡胶USH密封圈型号尺寸表 - cnhuinuo.com
日本nok品牌ush密封型号尺寸表 形式 型号 尺寸 内径 外径 高度 材质 零件号 ush ush-12 12*20*5 12 20 5 nbr丁腈胶/a505 cu3248k0 ush ush-14 14*22*5 14 22 5 nbr丁腈胶/a505 cu2692k0 ush ush-16 16*24*5 16 24 5 nbr丁腈
TAIKO KIKAI USH-20 - wellmarine.cn
USH型活塞・活塞桿兩用密封件(可安裝一體型溝槽) | NOK
NOK的USH型活塞・活塞桿兩用密封件(可安裝一體型溝槽)的選擇・訂購。 除了三住自有品牌外,還有國內外1800個品牌,900萬件以上的商品。 無最低訂購量,提供種類豐富的CAD檔案。 NOK的USH型活塞・活塞桿兩用密封件(可安裝一體型溝槽),FA・模具零件、工具・工場消耗品的訂購就交給MISUMI。
CU0212-K0 NOK (USH-20) - metricsealsinc.com
USH (Piston and Rod Seals) Available in Fluororubber and NBR. Used for both piston and rod seals. Compared with special packings the range of application can be limited. For packing material, fluororubber is available for wider temperature range or phosphate ester oil.
USHシリーズは高比重高粘度油だけでなく、これまではコアレッサでは処理不可能とされた界面活性剤やSSを含むエマルジョンも処理が可能な長寿命高性能コアレッサを搭載した最新鋭の油水分離器で�. さらに性能だけでなく、メンテナンス性を追求して開発され、実船でのビルジ処理作業においても使用者はストレスを感じることなく、長期間に渡って安定した性能を発揮できる顧客重視志向の油水分離器で�.
Worldwide Delivery: Taiko kikai USH-20 Coalescer Original Parts
Taiko kikai USH-20 Coalescer Original Parts. WE DELIVER WORLDWIDE. Since 1995, Your supplier for complete marine engines & generator, Major & minor parts, deck equipment, pumps, automation, navigation & various ship machinery items. Your questions or queries will receive a response within 2-6 hours along with 29 years of thorough expertise.
TAIKO KIKAI INDUSTRIES.USH-20.26 - 中船人 | KD,泵零件,压力传 …
15 PPM BILGE SEPARATOR Taiko Kikai Industries USH-20
Taiko Kikai Industries Genuine & OEM spare parts made in Japan, China, Korea and Europe for Maritime, Oil & Gas Industry. Contact us if you are looking for 15 PPM BILGE SEPARATOR USH-20 marine equipment and ship spare parts. Contact our Customer Care Center today for quotations and orders.
15 ppm Bilge Separator Taiko Kikai Industries Co., Ltd. – USH-20
Genuine & OEM spare parts made in Japan, China, Korea and Europe for Maritime, Oil & Gas Industry. Contact us if you are looking for 15 ppm Bilge Separator Taiko Kikai Industries Co., Ltd. – USH-20 marine equipment and ship spare parts. Contact our Customer Care Center today for quotations and orders.
Coalescer - USH-20 | EMS - European Marine Spares - ems …
Contact us now, if you are interested in Coalescer made by Taiko Kikai, or similar products. We focus on providing the best possible service, offering a world-wide distribution and high quality & brand new products only.
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