The Elusive WD M8A1 Scabbard - US MILITARIA FORUM
2015年12月31日 · In searching for Makers and contracts for US military bayonets, I have found all of the makers (to my knowledge) except the maker of the US M8A1 scabbard marked WD. The photo above illustrates 4 that I currently have in my reference collection. 1. Marked VIZ / WD. It is thought that WD may have p...
Post 60s M8A1 scabbards (the learning never stops)
2014年7月28日 · The three on the right also have very similar, if not identical, USM8A1 markings: No periods after U and S and a low horizontal strike in the A. In conjunction with the observation on the fringe cover, it is indeed likely they were manufactured in the order: small PWH, large PWH, wide PWH, TWB.
USM8A1 PWH - EDGED WEAPONS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2011年1月22日 · I've seen a lot of mid fifties and even earlier bayonets being sold with PWH scabbards. Does anyone know when the Philadelphia Work Home started making scabbards for the US military? I saw an Aerial M4 bayonet presumably a 1955 repack, with a PWH scabbard. I just didn't think they made them that ...
How to date an M7 Bayonet and M8A1 Scabbard - US MILITARIA …
2012年1月8日 · Since I know next to nothing about bayonet's, this is just a general question for the knife experts out there. I'm looking for a Vietnam era M7 bayonet with an M8A1 scabbard, but is there a way to date them ??? I've looked here on the forum and on Ebay, but every one I see is undated. The only in...
NOS US VIZ M8A1 scabbards dated 1963 - US MILITARIA FORUM
2020年8月21日 · It has been a long time since I posted here, but read quite a lot, great site! I want to post about new old stock USGI M8A1 scabbards recently offered for sale by Dupage Trading. They are packaged two per sealed cellophane package. Definitely crinkly stiff old fashioned cellophane, very different...
M8 vs M8A1 clarification help needed - US MILITARIA FORUM
2013年9月14日 · In digging through my boxed items I found an M4 bayonet in an M8A1 scabbard that I had forgotten about. My questions are regarding the scabbard. First, is this an unusual combination of bayonet and scabbard or would it be more "correct" to see the M4 bayonet with the M8. Reason I'm asking is that...
VP CO. M8A1 scabbard with odd differences - US MILITARIA FORUM
2016年6月15日 · Two early Victory Plastics M8A1 scabbards I have two VP. Co. M8A1 scabbards one of which is different from what I have encountered before. Both are early in that they do not have the metal tip protector. The one on the left is the earlier of the two and has a VP number of /1 and the other one is ...
Date M8A1 scabbard - EDGED WEAPONS - U.S. Militaria Forum
2018年10月22日 · Go this scabbard today with some theater knives. Lots of M8A1 scabbards out there. Any way to date this one? Stamped US M8A1 B. M. CO.
Repro or real M8A1 scabbard? - M14 Forum
2010年7月8日 · Scabbards exception being the IMPERIAL Colt contract M7's that were issued with a USM8A1 scabbard that had a crinkle type OD finish (The throat of this scabbard was stamped only "USM8A1" with no maker's name.)
M8A1 Scabbards | M14 Forum
2008年7月17日 · The purpose of this posting is not to go into the entire history of the M8/M8A1 scabbard. It is far to complex to list all the variations of WWII production, the various fasteners, and all the post war markings. The purpose of this post is …