Forms - About.usps.com
The Postal Service™ updated the top section of PS Form 4003, Official Rural Route Description, dated July 2018. The revised form removes the “Converted to centralized boxes only” section and includes a variety of formatting changes, such as larger font …
The PS Form 4003 contains all the route’s current, active (which includes vacant addresses under 90 days) delivery data including an official line of travel, current number of deliveries, miles traveled, authorized dismounts, etc...
Submitting changes for your edit book is only half of the process, the 4003 must be submitted to generate a new 4241-A***. Please verify that your deliveries are coded correctly. There are 4 possible choices: CURB – Traditional Mailbox that you would drive up to.
Edit book and 4003... - Rural Mail Talk
2019年2月20日 · 4003's are being delayed, as a rule, nationwide, as a USPS money saving technique. Any new boxes that you put on your edit book should also be noted in the comment section of your 4240 (time sheet).
Handbook PO-603 Revision: Delivery Point Sequencing Letter Mail …
Effective June 28, 2008, part 541 of Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities, is revised to establish standard procedures for conducting formal reviews of delivery point sequencing (DPS) letter mail processing on rural routes.
Audit Reports - Office of Inspector General OIG
The DOIS and e-PS Form 4003 are used to record the authorized base miles for carrier routes and the AVUS manages day-to-day vehicle use. Carriers enter vehicle mileage information at the beginning and end of their routes via a Mobile Delivery …
Handbook PO-603 Revision: Delivery Point Sequencing Letter Mail …
Effective January 22, 2010, Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities, 541.42 was revised, reinstating the language as originally written in 1994 concerning delivery point sequencing (DPS) letter mail processing on rural routes.
The PS Form 4003 contains all the route’s current, active delivery data including an official line of travel, current number of deliveries, miles traveled, authorized dismounts, etc... This form is used to update any changes that occur on a rural route between mail counts.
1980年7月1日 · 217.1 Form 4003, Official Rural Route Description .11 Form 4003 will be prepared for the following actions: vice on regular route and stops because of substantial within area g Route consolidations.
Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System (RRECS)
2019年1月5日 · As we move forward with implementing RRECS, the USPS will conduct an end to end test on 4,205 rural study routes to confirm functionality of the system. A critical component of testing the functionality of internal systems necessary for the implementation of RRECS is Rural Street Database (RSD) mapping and certification.