USS Hornet (CV-12) - Wikipedia
USS Hornet (CV/CVA/CVS-12) is an Essex -class aircraft carrier built for the United States Navy (USN) during World War II. Completed in late 1943, the ship was assigned to the Fast Carrier Task Force (variously designated as Task Force 38 or 58) in the Pacific Ocean, the navy's primary offensive force during the Pacific War.
History – USS Hornet Museum
USS Hornet (CV-12) was awarded nine Battle Stars for Pacific service in World War II: March 29 – May 1, 1944 — Palau, Hollandia, Truk. June 11 – August 5, 1944 — Marianas, Bonins, Yap. September 6 – September 24, 1944 — Philippines, Palau. October 10 – Nov. 22, 1944 — Ryukyus, Formosa, Philippines, Luzon. December 14 – Dec. 16, 1944 — Luzon.
大黃蜂號航空母艦 (CV-12) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大黃蜂號航空母艦 (USS Hornet CV-12)是一艘隸屬於 美國海軍 的 航空母艦,為 艾塞克斯級航空母艦 的四號艦。 她是美軍第八艘以大黃蜂為名的軍艦,艦名源自 美國獨立戰爭 時期 大陸海軍 的一艘 單桅縱帆船。
大黄蜂号航空母舰 (CV-12) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大黄蜂号航空母舰 (USS Hornet CV-12)是一艘隶属于 美国海军 的 航空母舰,为 艾塞克斯级航空母舰 的四号舰。 她是美军第八艘以大黄蜂为名的军舰,舰名源自 美国独立战争 时期 大陆海军 的一艘 单桅纵帆船。
大黄蜂号航空母舰(英文:USS Hornet,舷号:CV-12),是 美国 海军隶下的一艘航空母舰,隶属于美国埃塞克斯级航母4号舰。 大黄蜂号航空母舰在二战中起了显著作用,给海军航空兵注入了机动性、持久力和攻击力,促使盟国海军从日本舰队手中夺取了太平洋的控制权,确保了最终的胜利 [1]。 大黄蜂号航空母舰是美军第八艘以大黄蜂为名的军舰,于1942年8月3日在纽波特纽斯造船及船坞公司开工,1943年8月30日下水,1943年11月29日正式服役,1970年退役,1989年除 …
USS Hornet - U.S. National Park Service
Located in Alameda, California, the USS Hornet (CV-12) was part of a wartime buildup of U.S. carrier forces in a war that demonstrated the vital role of naval aviation. As early as 1910, the U.S. Navy recognized the potential value that flight would have in naval operations.
USS Hornet (CV-12/CVA-12/CVS-12) - NHHC
After lending air support to protect the invasion beaches in New Guinea, USS Hornet (CV-12) conducted massive aerial raids against Japanese bases in the Caroline Islands and prepared to...
USS Hornet CV-12 – USS Hornet Museum
2024年8月7日 · USS Hornet (CVS-12) was selected by the Navy as the Prime Recovery Ship (PRS) for Apollo 11, America’s first lunar landing mission. On July 24, 1969, President Richard Nixon, ADM John S. McCain (CINCPAC) and a number of other dignitaries were present while Hornet recovered astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins and their ...
USS Hornet (CV 12) history - U.S. Carriers
USS Hornet (CVS 12) was the recovery carrier for the Apollo 11 moon mission during which astronauts Neil Armstrong, and Edwin Aldrin Jr., landed on and walked on the moon in July 1969. Fellow astronaut Michael Collins remained in orbit around the moon.
Aircraft Carrier Photo Index: USS HORNET (CV-12) - NavSource
2025年2月9日 · CV-12 was named to commemorate seven American warships that had previously borne the name. A hornet is a large, strong wasp whose sting is severe (NS020869a).