UVP PhotoDoc-It - uvp.com
The PhotoDoc-It System is a compact, economical laboratory system designed to capture, print and save color images for basic gel documention. Easily transfer images to a computer via memory cord or add a USB cable.
UVP DigiDoc-It - uvp.com
The UVP DigiDoc-It is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. Applications can be extended by adding a white light plate for colorimetric imaging or a blue light plate for excitation of gels in the 460-470 nm range. The exclusive software controls the camera functions, live preview of images, image capture and image enhancement.
Basic Imaging Systems - uvp.com
UVP Basic Imaging Systems Analytik Jena US offers multiple options for simple gel documentation, thin layer chromatography (TLC), as well as colony counting at affordable prices.
UV Gel Visualizer - UVP MultiDoc-It - Analytik Jena
The UVP MultiDoc-It is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. The darkroom comes assembled with choice of UV transilluminator and UV safety shut off switches triggered by opening the door. The exclusive software controls the camera functions, live preview of images, image capture and image enhancement.
UVP UVsolo touch - Analytik Jena
UVP UVsolo touch is an extra compact system for gel documentation without the need for a personal computer. The system is designed to acquire gel images very easily and without any need for training. The UVP UVsolo system comes with a light-sensitive black & white camera with a high resolution of 5 megapixels.
公司简介-Analytik Jena美国UVP紫外线灯
Gel Documentation Systems from UVP and Accuris - Laboratory …
Gel imagers, or gel docs, contain an ultraviolet (UV) or visible (blue or white) transilluminator, a hood to block the samples from external light sources and a high-resolution camera for image capture. The samples, loaded onto agarose gels, petri dishes or TLC films, are placed onto the transilluminator surface.
UVP GelStudio Series - uvp.com
UVP GelStudio imagers offer high-resolution and sensitive imaging of DNA & protein gels. They also work with an unlimited range of excitable stains and dyes. All imagers run the powerful VisionWorks Software, full package image capture, enhancement functions and analysis software.
DNA Gel Imagers - UVP GelStudio Series - Analytik Jena
UVP GelStudio DNA gel imagers offer high-resolution and sensitive imaging of DNA and protein gels. They also work with an unlimited range of excitable stains and dyes. All versions of the imagers run the powerful VisionWorks – a full-package image capture, enhancement, and analysis software that features application-based icons for automation ...
UVP ChemStudio imagers offer high-resolution and sensitive imaging: of western blots, fluorescent westerns, protein blots, DNA gels, protein gels, blue light gels, colony plates, and plants. They also work with an unlimited range of excitable stains and dyes.