UBBM-tips on what goes there? : r/USPS - Reddit
Sep 11, 2021 · Easier to say what can go in UBBM: Presort Standard Mail without Endorsements Nonprofit Mail without Endorsements (this includes mail with that USA stamp) any marriage mail, "postal customer" stuff, red plums, papers, etc. (again, assuming it isn't endorsed--I've never seen any of these endorsed anyways)
What and what not to UBBM? : r/USPS - Reddit
You can NEVER UBBM anything but 3rd class. Period. You can ONLY UBBM 3rd class when it is undeliverable. If there is a current resident endorsement, it is to be delivered unless the house is vacant. Otherwise, put it in the box unless it is IA (NSN, NSS), or …
What does your office do with UBBM? : r/USPS - Reddit
Jan 25, 2019 · My main office requires the clerks to sort through all the carrier’s UBBM and dispose of it (the other two offices let the carriers deal with it themselves). Until a few months ago, the carriers would stack all their UBBM tubs (54 routes worth) in couple different spots near the entrances and exits.
UBBM & Random Letters | Rural Mail Talk
Aug 13, 2023 · At least they would be getting some time for sorting through the ubbm even if it isn't piece count. They need to show documentation from the union about how ubbm is supposed to be handled and grieve it if it is not being done accordingly. If they don't care to fight that battle then the alternative is pushing as much work into the timed functions.
let's talk UBBM : r/USPS - Reddit
Sep 17, 2022 · We have UBBM tubs under our cases. When you come in, you're supposed to go thru it and double check. The clerks generally go thru the tubs on Saturdays after the customer counter is closed, and they triple check it. There is a hamper with UBBM that's supposed to only be used for things like Uline and other bulk items.
Clarification needed for mail survey. | Rural Mail Talk
Feb 25, 2023 · What about UBBM? Was told this is not part of the count. Missorts and inverted letters were counted as 1 for every 4 today. Also.. the hold mail for the day should get a piece count as well if under 8 letters, right? And over 8 for the day as an unscan parcel, even if you aren't delivering the hold mail that day?
What type of mail can go in the ubm bucket : r/USPS - Reddit
Oct 1, 2020 · Standard and nonprofit mail can be UBBM'd, as long as there's no service request (address service, electronic service, forwarding service). Anything else needs to be endorsed and sent back. Your office should have a throwback case for all your endorsed mail.
ubbm? : r/USPS - Reddit
Sep 2, 2022 · UBBM is "Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail". It means the flyers are not going to be delivered or forwarded, and they are going to be garbage/destroyed/recycled. If you're not sure what to do just group them all together into one container and put a sign on the container saying it is UBBM with today's date and your office location.
What DPS mail gets recounted? - Rural Mail Talk
Aug 29, 2022 · If you case DPS, hold all mail that you pulled from your DPS that was Missort, Missent, MISSEQUENCE, UTF, ANK, IA, FWD, UBBM, etc. these get counted & added to the Raw Mail column. You can have mgmt count them before you depart to route or take them for a ride to handle in your EOS duties (adds extra time).
UBBM Mail anywhere in the PS 603? - Rural Mail Talk
May 4, 2019 · -- Surprise, surprise: "UBBM" does not show up in a word search of the POM nor DMM! -- Did these customers in question have curb side mail boxes, then switched to a PO Box? -- At my last post office, the "rule of thumb" was "If you know where the customer is located, hand-off their mail to the appropriate person."