Universities | UCAT Consortium
You are required to sit the UCAT 2025 if you are applying for entry in 2026 (or deferred entry in 2027) to a relevant course at a UCAT Consortium University. All applicants should check the entry requirements for each course with the relevant university before booking a test.
UCAT Universities & UCAT Cut-Off Scores By Medical School
There are over 40 universities in the UK, Australia and New Zealand that require you to sit the UCAT test. It’s important to understand how each UCAT university considers your UCAT score so that you can be strategic with your application and boost your chances of getting into Med School.
UCAT考试部分终极指南-建议收藏 - 知乎
UCAT是一个较难的考试,UCAT考核你必须是一个非常全面的人,在严格的时间限制下快速做出正确的选择,这就是为什么你要尽力地熟悉内容。 这篇文章将带你阅读每个部分和问题类型,这样你就知道自己面对的是什么考试。 …
60 common abstract reasoning patterns - BlackStone Tutors
We’ve compiled the most comprehensive list of tips, questions, and model answers for the UCAT on the internet. This guide will help you recognise 60 of the most common abstract reasoning patterns.
The Ultimate UCAT Resource [Free Cheatsheet]
This page is your must read searchable cheatsheet for every UCAT question type, complete with explanations and tips. Simply click the term in the table below and jump to the question type.
About the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
The University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) is an admissions test, used by a consortium of UK and partner Universities to help select applicants to their medical and dental degree programmes.
Complete List of Universities that Require UCAT
Which UK Medical and Dental universities require you to sit the UCAT admissions test? Find the complete list here!
UCAT (UKCAT) Abstract Reasoning Patterns & Mnemonics
The UCAT can seem a daunting prospect, and many students will have questions about it. Here, BlackStone tutors explains how to approach the Abstract Reasoning section of the exam.
Master List of UCAT Resources - Life of a Medic
2020年7月5日 · How to Approach the UCAT Guide – an overview of each of the UCAT sections, including tips and advice for each. Master the UCAT VR ebook – a guide for Verbal Reasoning that’s being offered for free with the use of the code VR2020. UCAT Tips Podcast episode – UCAT top tips from a student who scored in top 1% of all candidates.
2024年10月24日 · UCAT考试分为以下五个部分:语言推理、决策、定量推理、抽象推理、情景判断。 每个部分的考察重点如下: 1. 语言推理部分测试你阅读和理解书面信息的能力。 这部分旨在考察你对文本数据的解读、分析和推断能力,这在医疗实践中至关重要,因为你必须快速理解患者记录、研究论文或医疗指南。 - 阅读理解:这涉及理解并提取给定段落中的相关信息。 - 批判性思维:你需要评估论点并得出逻辑结论。 - 推理:从文本中确定含义并理解作者的观点。 - 是非 …