UCMI – Nurturing The Ummah :: Knowledge | Wisdom | Excellence
Each programme has individual rules that student need to meet to be eligible to graduate. A key feature of most undergraduate courses is the flexibility to try out different disciplines and tailor majors and specialisations to your interests and goals. This function is still under development, please contact UCMI for related information.
Academic Programmes - UCMI
University College of MAIWP International (UCMI) has taken a leap forward from her previous name PICOMS International University College (PICOMS), offering 30 certified programmes by the Ministry of Education (MOE) with accreditation status from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) ranges from certificate, diploma, degree and post graduate program in medical sciences, management and ...
Admission – UCMI
University College of MAIWP International (UCMI) has taken a leap forward from her previous name PICOMS International University College (PICOMS), offering 30 certified programmes by the Ministry of Education (MOE) with accreditation status from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) ranges from certificate, diploma, degree and post graduate program in medical sciences, management and ...
院校简介 | 马来西亚 MAIWP 国际大学学院 - jhcledu.com
马来西亚MAIWP国际大学学院(University College MAIWP International)由马来西亚吉隆坡政府(MAIWP)创建,隶属于总理部。 该机构的简史始于1993年,前身是 Pusrawi 医院。 该机构的主要职能是仅培训临床助理和护理助理。 大学设有1个主校区和2个分校区,分别是负责药学系以及通识与基础研究学院的吉隆坡主校区;负责管理、教育、人文学院、护理学院、治疗与康复系、医疗与健康科学学院的城市校区以及负责护理学院、医学与健康科学系的医学校区。 时至今 …
University of California, Malaria Initiative - We're on the path to …
UCMI is contributing to the goal of malaria eradication by using genetic technologies to modify target mosquito populations as a cost effective, sustainable, and environmentally responsible tool to prevent malaria transmission. Our work is currently being developed in partnership with Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe.
About UCMI - University of California, Malaria Initiative
We are genetically modifying mosquito populations to prevent them from transmitting the parasites that cause malaria. The aim is to collaborate with malaria-endemic countries to develop new tools to add to the existing methods of malaria control.
Apply | UCMI International Online Application
Welcome to UCMI! If there are any questions please contact the staff at the International Student Office.
UCMI Malaysia Courses, Fees 2025 Intake Details - Education …
UCMI Malaysia Courses and Fees Payment 2025. UCMI intake, address, contact, and scholarship fees for international students 2025.
UCMI Student Portal
pengumuman keputusan peperiksaan semester ii, sesi akademik 2022/2023. sign in
Contact UCMI - UCMI
University College of MAIWP International (UCMI) has taken a leap forward from her previous name PICOMS International University College (PICOMS), offering 30 certified programmes by the Ministry of Education (MOE) with accreditation status from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) ranges from certificate, diploma, degree and post graduate program in medical sciences, management and ...