Designed for drilling angles between vertical & 45°. Incorporating a dual point mast pivot frame & 1,300 mm (4' 3") hydraulic mast dump to ground level at 45° drilling angle. Cummins 6CTA8.3 producing 172 kW (230 hp) at 2,200 rpm to power hydraulics. D15 top head drive coupled.
West Core Drilling Equipment Rig 6
Rig 6 is a UDR1000 mounted on a Tartra 8 x 8 truck, allowing for excellent mobility even in rugged terrain. This multi-purpose rig allows us to drill RC precollars for your diamond drill holes. Safety advantages include safe-t-spin rod breakers and fire suppression system.
No job too big or small for EDM´s team. We have decades of inhouse experience with all makes of drill rig. Upgrade your tired assets to modern standards of safety and production today. Visit the post for more.
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Highest quality axial and radial piston pumps and motors used in three independent open circuits (Main – Water – Cylinders). Full flow 10 micron Beta rated return oil filtration. Larger than average hose and control valve sizes used to achieve highest possible circuit efficiency. Proven reliability over thousands of hours can be demonstrated.
WDA Drilling Rigs
The UDR1000 is a all hydraulic multipurpose drill rig capable of both reverse circulation and diamond core drilling. The UDR1000 is fitted with an automatic rod handler, fire suppression system, has an onboard Sullair compressor and is mounted on a MAN 8X8 truck.
SANDVIK UDR1000 Drills For Sale | MachineryTrader.com
2021年3月30日 · Browse a wide selection of new and used SANDVIK UDR1000 Drills for sale near you at MachineryTrader.com
UDR 1000 Technical Specifications. Type. All hydraulic top head drive. Drill Mast. 9 m (30 ft) rod pull capacity. 12 m (39' 4") long. Designed for drilling angles between vertical & 45°. Incorporating a dual point mast pivot frame & 1,300 mm (4' 3") hydraulic mast dump to ground level at 45° drilling angle. Diesel Motor.
【FEUDR1000-55】FE/远东仪表UDR1000系列导波雷达物位计 …
2005 UDR1000 / Sandvik DE840 Multipurpose Drill Rig Mounted …
Make: UDR / Sandvik Model: 1000 / DE840 Year: 2005 Engine: Cummins 6CTA8.3 - Hydraulic Rod Clamp - Top Drive Rotary Head - Hollow Floating Spindle - Onboard FMC W1122 Bean Pump - Onboard Sullair 1150 CFM / 350 PSI Air Compressor - Still operational but due for a rebuild Includes; - Mast Dump - Rod Spinner - Sandvik DA554 Rod Handler - RC Sampli...
Q_YGBDB 0157-2019UDR1000系列导波雷达物(液)位计.pdf
2020年2月12日 · III Q/YGBDB0157—2019 UDR1000 系列导波雷达物(液)位计 1 范围 本标准主要规定了UDR1000系列导波雷达物(液)位计(以下简称雷达物位计)产品的分类、技术 参数、要求、试验方法、检验规则及包装、贮运的要求等内容。 本标准适用于我公司生产的UDR1000系列导波雷达物(液)位计的制造和验收。 非本标准规格产品 及变形产品可参照执行。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。 凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版 …
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