University Flow Cytometry Resource | Flow Cytometry Resource
The UFCR provides comprehensive instrument training and other services to the institutional research and educational community at the University of Minnesota and the greater metropolitan scientific community at large. Flow cytometry uses fluorescent probes to identify and characterize cells, bacteria or other particles.
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Instrumentation | Flow Cytometry Resource
Instrumentation at the University Flow Cytometry Resource (UFCR) includes a variety of analyzers that can be self-operated after training or reserved for staff-assisted acquisition and analysis. We also have staff run cell sorters that are BSL-1/BSL-2 or BSL-2E compliant.
Services | Flow Cytometry Resource
The University Flow Cytometry Resource (UFCR) offers a variety of services to the university community and the greater metropolitan scientific community at large. For those interested in independent use of our self-service analyzers, we offer access to online education material that describes the theoretical principles of flow cytometry and ...
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UFC Results
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Training Services | Flow Cytometry Resource
The University Flow Cytometry Resource (UFCR) trains customers to run independently on a variety of analyzers. Training consists of online educational material going over the theory behind flow cytometry, followed by a lab practical and ending at a later date with a validation where the customer demonstrates instrument and flow cytometry ...
I.MX6U 裸机开发19.串口通讯实验和printf scanf 重定向_编程圈子的 …
2024年11月27日 · uartx_ufcr. bit7~9:设置分频值。 uart的时钟源由 cscdr1的 uart_clk_sel 位设置,可以是osc24mhz(uart_clk_sel=1),或 pll3/6 分频(uart_clk_sel=0): 即 480mhz/6 = 80mhz,根据这个值设置分频。 本文使用pll/6作为时钟源。另外 cscdr1[uart_clk_podf] 分频值设 …