AccessUH - University of Houston
AccessUH is your gateway to the University of Houston's information and computing resources. Log into AccessUH for immediate access to other critical systems that you use on a daily basis.
MyUH Services
Find University of Hawaii (UH) business tasks, forms, apps, news and more with one-click access to services for students, faculty and staff.
MyUH - University of Houston
myUH Login; Browser support for myUH (PeopleSoft) Enrollment Management Dashboards - Please see: Institutional Research site
Canvas - University of Houston
UHCOP Faculty can use Canvas to present a range of course content materials and information, including syllabi, lecture notes, and handouts; to administer online pre-test, exams, and quizzes; for assignment submissions; or to hold virtual class session.
Oracle PeopleSoft Sign-in - University of Houston
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Oracle PeopleSoft Sign-in - University of Houston
Please signon with your User ID and Password. Forgot Password? | Forgot User ID?
Canvas - Learning Management System Help - University of Houston
LOG IN HELP. What's my Canvas User Name? Your user name is your [email protected]; Your password is your CougarNet password. Find out more …
About AccessUH - University of Houston
AccessUH allows you to use your CougarNet ID to access many UH online services without logging into each one separately, including myUH Self Service, PASS, Canvas, and Email (Exchange). Access to services is based upon your role with the University. All students, faculty, or staff with an existing CougarNet ID or myUH ID.
Google@UH - University of Hawaii System
You have successfully turned on the Consumer Apps for your Google@UH account! Please note: You must to agree to Google’s Terms of Service ("TOS") and Privacy Policy the first time you log in to your Google@UH account in order to continue to access any Core Apps or Consumer Apps under your Google@UH account, even if you are not planning to use ...
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