Dehydrogenation - thyssenkrupp Uhde
Optionally high-purity hydrogen can be generated by applying pressure swing adsorption (PSA). The fractionation unit of a dehydrogenation plant consists of a stripper column to remove light uncondensables, which are fed to the gas separation unit, and a splitter column to separate olefin product and unconverted paraffin.
Dehydrogenation - The STAR process - thyssenkrupp Uhde
Low reactor/catalyst volume: The STAR process ® reformer is the only PDH reactor system commercially available with direct heating of the reaction zone, thereby significantly increasing reaction velocity. This results in the lowest catalyst inventory / reactor volume on the market.
supplier for submarines and surface vessels. As an important system partner to our customers in the automotive, aerospace and battery industries, we opt. and as by-product in FCC units (approx. 30%). Approx. 20% is produced by on-purpose technologies lik.
BASF and thyssenkrupp Uhde optimize STAR process® …
2022年4月26日 · BASF and thyssenkrupp Uhde achieved measurable improvements in the STAR process ®, a proprietary dehydrogenation process from thyssenkrupp Uhde that can produce propylene from propane feedstocks, or iso-butylene from iso-butane feedstocks.
The STAR process ® reformer is the only PDH reactor system commercially available with direct heating of the reaction zone, thereby significantly increasing reaction velocity. This results in the lowest catalyst inventory / reactor volume on the market. The system is simple, reliable and robust in operation and offers
PDH 8大工艺汇总!(干货) - 知乎专栏
2021年年中,由洛阳工程公司(lpec&gpec)与石科院联合开发的60万吨/年移动床丙烷脱氢制丙烯(pdh)工艺包通过了集团公司组织的审查。 审查意见认为, 该工艺采用的石科院PST-100催化剂综合性能国际领先,工艺…
Press release - thyssenkrupp
2014年9月24日 · ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is making its Steam Active Reforming (STAR) process available to Formosa Plastics Corporation (FPC) for a propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant in Texas, USA. The PDH plant is to be built at the petrochemical complex in Point Comfort.
丙烷脱氢(PDH)介绍 - 百度文库
(氧化脱氢是指在催化剂作用下采用适当的氧化剂与丙烷反 应生成丙烯与水,其焓变小于零,为放热反应,无需外界 加热、节省能源,与催化脱氢过程相比,可以克服热力学 平衡的限制并降低催化剂的减活作用。 该催化剂离实现工 业化尚远。 (1)吸热反应; (2)平衡常数随温度的升高而增大;适当适当的高的反 应温度 (3)分子数增加的可逆反应;反应压力越低越有利. 因此,提高反应温度和降低压力有利于反应向正方向 进行;但反应温度过高将造成非催化热裂和深度脱 …
Uhde STAR Process dehydrogenation reactor section.
An effective design of the reactor section of STAR dehydroge- nation process achieving optimized temperature profile to achieve high space-time yields is shown in Figure 4 (Uhde STAR Process 2013...
实现丙烯的可持续发展--丙烷脱氢技术及项目经济性分析 - 工程与 …
2012年7月31日 · 伍德公司Krupp Uhdewcng公司的STAR工艺法; Snamprogetti、林德公司Linde-BASF-Statoil共同开发的PDH工艺。 全球现有投产的丙烯脱氢制丙烯工业装置14套,其中10套采用UOP公司的Oleflex工艺。 4套为ABB Lummus的Catafin工艺,两种丙烷脱氢制丙烯工艺大体相同,所不同的只是脱氢和催化剂再生部分。 甲醇制烯烃技术. 该技术以天然气或煤为原料生产甲醇,再以甲醇生产烯烃(MTO工艺)或以甲醇生产丙烯(MTP工艺)的技术越来越受关注。 目 …