Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (ACIS)
5 天之前 · Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from diploma to the highest level, Doctor of Philosophy.
Postgraduate - Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (ACIS)
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from diploma to the highest level, Doctor of Philosophy. In addition, ACIS also took the responsibility in teaching the University's compulsory subjects to the UiTM students.
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS)
Currently, Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) of UiTM offers new programmes such as Postgraduate in Contemporary Islamic Studies (Masters and PhD) as well as Bachelor and Diploma levels in Muamalat and Halal Management.
The Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) formerly known as the Center for Islamic Thought and Understanding (CITU) is a complementary unit to the overall structure of the academic organization at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
ACIS - UiTM Kedah Official Website
The Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) of UiTM Cawangan Kedah comprises of two main divisions - the Academic Affairs Division, and Islamic Affairs Unit. The Academic Affairs Division is directly involved in the formal teaching and learning aspects of the Islamic curriculum.
ACIS - UiTM Cawangan Negeri Sembilan
Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (Academy Contemporary of Islamic Studies) (ACIS) merupakan satu unit pelengkap kepada keseluruhan struktur organisasi akademik di Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM).
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Negeri Sembilan, Kampus Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, MALAYSIA. General Inquiry Chief Information Officer (CIO): [email protected] Website Inquiry: Webmaster: [email protected] Unit Komunikasi Korporat Rembau: [email protected] Tel : +606-698 2000 Faks : +606-698 2391
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) - UiTM Melaka
The history of CITU at UiTM Melaka began simultaneously with the establishment of ITM, starting from the first campus at Jalan Hang Tuah Bandar Melaka until the transfer to a permanent campus in Lendu, Alor Gajah, Melaka. CITU is now known as Academy of …
FINAL YEAR PROJECT - Akademi Pengajian Islam Kontemporari (ACIS)
Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) is an academic faculty in UiTM. It plays an important role in offering an Islamic based courses to the UiTM student spanning from diploma to the highest level, Doctor of Philosophy. In addition, ACIS also took the responsibility in teaching the University's compulsory subjects to the UiTM students.
ACIS - UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang
Penyelidikan ACIS (Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies) UiTM Pulau Pinang biasanya berkaitan dengan bidang pengajian Islam kontemporari, termasuk fiqh, usuluddin, pengurusan halal, ekonomi Islam, dan dakwah.