Union of Independent Republics | Gears of War Wiki | Fandom
The UIR used a mix of tactics to fight the COG, ranging from sabotage attacks on Imulsion pipelines in Sarfuth, to a fully mechanized army that fought COG troops at Aspho Fields. The UIR's greatest achievement was the creation of the Hammer of Dawn technology, which Chairman Tomas Dalyell wanted to capture and use to end the war.
UIR Infantry - Gears of War Wiki
The Union of Independent Republics Infantry, otherwise colloquially known to the COG as Indies was the main counterpart to the Coalition of Ordered Governments' Gears. The UIR also had its own counterpart to the Onyx Guard called the UIR Elite. They use the …
COG装甲采用锇和聚乙烯纤维,以创建一个个人身体保护系统,轻便,耐用,坚韧。 而UIR的装甲则相反,更重,更丑,更差。 UIR盔甲,是独立共和国联盟步兵所穿的防弹衣。 它作为COG盔甲的最大对手,尽管功能相似,却有许多明显不同的设计。 最大的区别就在于UIR的装甲更加棱角分明,除了头盔,你很少能在UIR的盔甲上看到弯曲的装甲或有弧度的装甲,它的保护力会更差,但是容易加工,容易生产,并且明显可以看出,UIR的着甲覆盖率比COG的高了不少。 在UIR中 …
UIR Armor - Gears of War Wiki
UIR Armor was body armor worn by soldiers of the Union of Independent Republics Infantry. It served as the UIR counterpart to COG Armor, and despite functional similarities, had a significantly different design.
鲜血润滑的战争齿轮——《战争机器》系列前情回顾 | 机核 GCORES
COG和UIR两个超级大国实力相当,胜利的天平像钟表的摆锤一样飘忽不定,而脆弱的人性很快对战争的罪恶麻木。 为了获得优势,双方都突破了各种意义上的底线。 COG为了统一战线,颠覆中立国家的政权,然后将其收作战争傀儡。 同时政治制度也更加扭曲专制,整个联盟的权力被集中在主席的手中,已然成为一个独裁军国主义政府。 UIR也犯下了诸多战争罪行,入侵埃洛马岛上的原始部落屠杀当地土著,在东部战线残酷的对待COG战俘......这是一场所有人对所有人的不义战 …
COG armor or UIR armor? : r/GearsOfWar - Reddit
2023年5月9日 · Which armor do you guys like more the COGs or UIRs? I think they both have their appeals like the UIR having cool gauntlets and the COG with the chest piece, they also both have really cool helmets IMO. Also Onyx guard for COG and the UIR elite both look cool as well.
维安政府联军(以下简称维安军)盔甲是由维安政府联盟(Coalition of Ordered Governments)的Gear士兵所穿的多种类型的防弹衣。 所有类型的盔甲之间的共同特点是由两个“密封”,位于胸部区域的两个大圈拼凑在一起的胸甲,同时在盔甲和磁性背包的某些区域也有敌我识别灯。 军校生盔甲通常是新登记的维安军军校生所穿着的训练用盔甲,这种盔甲的重量更轻,更容易制作,相对应的,它的防护能力比起普通的维安军步兵盔甲也大打折扣,不过该类型盔甲通常都是帮助菜鸟们 …
Lore Question: as of Gears 4 and 5, are the former nations of the UIR ...
2023年7月26日 · As the COG, the UIR chose to abandon their previous cultural sights to forget about the horrors of the Locust War. 25 years after the Imulsion Countermeasure, much of the UIR's Pendulum era War Machine was left to rust.”
COG在艾斯方战役中窃取了UIR黎明之锤的先进技术,并在拷贝后把原档案删得连一个字符都没留下,COG通过这一行动在战争中取得了优势。 钟摆战争在兽族于事变日袭击塞拉星前不久结束,两次战争之间只有六个星期的和平。 在七十九年的战争中,维安政府联盟 (COG)成为一个合法的政党。 早在钟摆战争之前,一个社会主义者名叫阿莱西·德西维奇就建立了这个政党,它建立在一种模糊的世界政府哲学基础之上:秩序、勤勉、纯洁、劳动、荣誉、忠诚、信仰和谦逊。 …
What was the average quality of the UIR infantryman during the
2019年12月27日 · COG emphasized the closing in wave of meat, UIR favored whittling away from range. So at range, UIR, up close COG. I still would love to see story DLC or a book dedicated to the UIR during the Pendulum Wars. 15 votes, 17 comments. I mean compared to COG infantryman AKA your run of the mill GEAR.