Unit load device - Wikipedia
A unit load device (ULD) is a container used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft. It allows preloading of cargo , provided the containerised load fits in the aircraft, enabling efficient planning of aircraft weight and balance and reduced labour and time in loading aircraft holds compared ...
ULD CARE is a global industry association whose members represent all aspects of the air cargo industry, including airlines, manufacturers and suppliers. Membership is open for organizations whose scope encompasses any aircraft unit load device (ULD) activity.
Unit Load Devices (ULD) - IATA
ULDs are removable aircraft parts subject to strict civil aviation authorities’ requirements from design, testing, production, and operations, to repair and maintenance. An airworthy ULD must be structurally capable of restraining the loads and providing adequate protection to the aircraft systems and structure during flight.
集裝器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
集裝器 (英語: Unit load device,簡稱 ULD)是一種 貨板 或 集装箱,把眾多 貨物 、 行李 或 郵件 集中裝在一個 載具 上,方便貨物運輸。 集裝器能夠免除散貨以人手逐一搬上飛機的工序,節省時間和成本,並透過標準化統一載具,提高運輸效率。 集裝器可分為貨板(Pallet)和集装箱(Container)。 貨板是一塊鋁合金托盤,周邊附有凸緣和固定在板上貨物的 繩網。 集装箱則是一個密封式 鋁合金 和 Lexan 物料所造的箱子。 此外,集装箱可按貨物需要而內置 制冷 裝置。 …
The ULD Explained book delivers exactly what it says on the cover –simple, jargon-free explanations with comprehensive illustrations covering the basics of ULD Operations and Handling.
Guide to Airfreight Containers | Air Freight Container ... - Shapiro
The following guide to airfreight containers, also called Unit Load Devices (ULD), has been developed from materials supplied by IATA (International Air Transport Association) and the ATA (Air Transport Association of America).
What is a ULD? ULD stands for Unit Load Device. It’s essentially a pallet or container used in the aviation industry to consolidate cargo for easier handling and transportation. ULDs come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different types of cargo and aircraft.
Air ULD Dimensions - NetBonds
Max Gross Weight: 11300 kgs. Max Weight: 1587 kgs. Ready to get started? As many ISF’s as you need. Find your Plan. File your first ISF in record time and get faster with every file by building your database with NETbonds platform.
Unit Load Device ULD Air Container Specifications - IncoDocs
2019年4月8日 · What are Unit Load Device (ULD) Air Containers? A Unit Load Device (known as ULDs) are specially designed cargo pallets and containers that are used to load freight, luggage and mail onto aircraft. These devices allow large quantities of cargo to be bundled and strapped together securely onto 1 mobile unit, so they can safely and securely ...
Air Canada Cargo
Each aircraft uses different ULDs to fit the size and shape of the aircraft’s cargo hold. Learn more about all available ULDs (shipping containers) along with size and weight considerations and the compatible aircraft here.