Uli (design) - Wikipedia
Uli designs are characterized by swelling and tapering curves interspersed with angled lines and abstract motifs. [1] These designs are either stained onto the body or painted onto walls, and …
This paper attempts to a draw parallel between traditional beliefs concerning certain animals among the Igbo of south-eastern Nigeria and motifs derived from indigenous Uli body and wall …
Uli: The Art of Igbo Body Decoration • Igbo Archives
2024年9月28日 · Uli, or Uri as it is known in some Igbo dialects, signifies one of the most ancient and visually captivating art forms in Igbo culture. Predominantly practiced by Igbo women, Uli …
Uli: Traditional Igbo Tattoo and Wall Art ~ Ozi Ikòrò
2024年9月4日 · Unlike the Nsibidi symbols associated with male secret societies in Igbo culture, Uli motifs do not carry symbolic representation but are instead named for their visual …
Uli: art and archive - [Re:]Entanglements
2021年12月26日 · Both body and mural designs are also known as uli, and both were ephemeral – that painted on the body might last a week or two before fading, while wall paintings would …
Uli: A Symbol Of Forward To The Past - OnePage Africa
2013年3月16日 · These two groups of women – the classics or legends — and today’s Uli practitioners are symbols of connections that lead us all forward to the past. It is vital to …
Textile Painting: Exploration of Uli Symbolic Motif painting of the ...
2023年6月13日 · This study's objective is to carry out a textile painting by adapting Uli Symbolic Motifs of the Igbo on hand dyed canvas in the studio using acrylic paints as a medium.
Uli Art - RefinedNG
2020年5月2日 · Uli (also known as Uri) are the curvilinear traditional designs drawn on the body by the Igbo people of South-eastern Nigeria. The practice has been in usage since the 9th …
(DOC) Merging Traditional "Uli" Painting Techniques/ Symbols …
Uli motifs generally refer to images of everyday Igbo life, farm and cooking tools, pots, plants, birds, animals, the sun, the moon, and the kola nut, though some are pure design. For …
Uli: Metamorphosis of a Tradition Into Contemporary Aesthetics
In the absence of the written word, Africa’s legacy consists of a vast mélange of complex symbols, patterns, and signs. These aesthetically abstract configurations and unique characters …