glcd - Graphic LCD Library - GitHub
Graphic LCD Library for microcontrollers based embedded systems. Compatible with chipsets PCD854, ST7565R, NTD75451 and many AVR, LPC, PIC, STM32 devices. - andygock/glcd
* Description: File contains the Library routines for KS108 Graphical LCD(GLCD) This code has been developed and tested on ExploreEmbedded boards. We strongly believe that the library works on any of development boards for respective controllers.
图形LCD (Graphics LCD,GLCD)控制器设计为与显示屏接口,使用内置模拟驱动来单独控 制屏幕的像素。GLCD 控制器可传输来自存储设备的显示数据,并对这些数据进行格式化以用于 显示设备。
glcd-emulator:A cross-platform graphics LCD simulator for …
Arduino客户端从 U8g2类 扩展。 它可以用在任何实际的u8g2开发中同样的方式来使用。 数据从客户端传输到模拟器程序(通过串行或TCP/IP)。 将归档文件 glcd-emulator-<版本>-amd64.zip 或 glcd-emulator-<版本>-amd64.tar.gz 解压到任意目录,并使用运行脚本来启动应用。 根据目标操作系统执行以下任一文件。 支持Windows、macOS和Linux系统。 参见 客户端库 部分。 浏览所有可用的u8g2字体。 大多数显示器都受到模拟器的支持,但具体硬件可能会有所限制。 使用F5键 …
The Graphics LCD (GLCD) Controller is designed to interface with display glasses using a built-in analog drive to individually control pixels on the screen.
ULP - 台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司 - TSMC
TSMC’s industry-leading ultra-low power (ULP) technologies offer ultra-low leakage (ULL) core devices, ULL SRAM and low operating voltage (low Vdd) solutions. Energy efficiency is essential to digital transformation, also to improve energy consumption, battery life and carbon emissions.
GLCD Library: Main Page - GitHub Pages
Welcome to GLCD, an open source graphic LCD library written by Andy Gock. Author's web site: http://agock.com/ GitHub repository: https://github.com/andygock/glcd. This library has been written cleanly, to allow easy modification for use with different microcontroller devices and controller chipsets.
thegeek82000/openGLCD - GitHub
openGLCD makes it easy to use Graphical LCDs (GLCD) with Arduino. different GLCD panels. and Arduino controllers. The Arduino openGLCD library files are part of the openGLCD project. under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See License.txt for details. The documentation can be found in the doc directory. There is.
ULP 协处理器编程 - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF 编程指南 v4.3.1 文档
ULP(Ultra Low Power 超低功耗)协处理器是一种简单的有限状态机 (FSM),可以在主处理器处于深度睡眠模式时,使用 ADC、温度传感器和外部 I2C 传感器执行测量操作。 ULP 协处理器可以访问 RTC_SLOW_MEM 内存区域及 RTC_CNTL、RTC_IO、SARADC 外设中的寄存器。 ULP 协处理器使用 32 位固定宽度的指令,32 位内存寻址,配备 4 个 16 位通用寄存器。 ULP 协处理器代码是用汇编语言编写的,并使用 binutils-esp32ulp 工具链 进行编译。 如果你已经按照 快速入 …
GLCD Layout, Text, Graphics and Global Variables: The GLCD display consists of a pixel grid 128 wide by 64 tall. This matrix contains a total of 8,192 pixels which are stored in the GLCD's RAM as 1024 8 bit bytes. Pixels are mapped and illuminated under software control to reproduce characters from font tables and graphic symbols from