Working Group V: Insolvency Law - United Nations
2018年12月15日 · Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the 2020 March, April and May sessions of UNCITRAL Working Groups I, III, IV, V and VI had to be postponed. …
A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.174 V.21-07407 3/139 3. In addition, by this note, the secretariat transmits a joint proposal by the United States and the World Bank Group for revision of paragraph 303 of …
a/cn.9/wg.v/wp.174 v.21-07406 3/128 附件 小微企业破产法立法指南草案 委员会第五十四届会议通过的《贸易法委员会小微企业破产立法建议》1 a. 简易破产制度的关键目标 1.
Working Group V (Insolvency) - UNCCA
Working Group V has debated and considered issues in relation to international and cross-border insolvency law since at least 1995. During this time, the Working Group has produced several …
Part Two. New international economic order 189 declare the contract avoided only in respect ofthe part not performed or the contract as a whole under certain
United Nations Digital Library System
UN Bodies (1,091,536) Economic and Social Council (223,809) General Assembly (509,789) International Court of Justice (415) Secretariat (77,597) Security Council (184,368) …
NABT Goes to Vienna TO ATTEND THE UN Working Group V …
2024年7月14日 · The National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees International Committee in its capacity as an invited international non-governmental organization (“NGO”) with observer …
Sessions and Events | United Nations Commission On International …
2024年11月22日 · À sa cinquante-septième session, en 2024, la CNUDCI a prié le secrétariat d’organiser un colloque sur la pertinence des instruments de la CNUDCI pour l’action …
A. Objectifs clefs d’un régime d’insolvabilité simplifié 1. Les États devraient prévoir un régime d’insolvabilité simplifié et, à cette fin, envisager les principaux objectifs suivants : a)...
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