Working Group V: Insolvency Law - United Nations
2018年12月15日 · Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the 2020 March, April and May sessions of UNCITRAL Working Groups I, III, IV, V and VI had to be postponed. Alternative arrangements were...
A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.174 V.21-07407 3/139 3. In addition, by this note, the secretariat transmits a joint proposal by the United States and the World Bank Group for revision of paragraph 303 of the draft
a/cn.9/wg.v/wp.174 v.21-07406 3/128 附件 小微企业破产法立法指南草案 委员会第五十四届会议通过的《贸易法委员会小微企业破产立法建议》1 a. 简易破产制度的关键目标 1.
Working Group V (Insolvency) - UNCCA
Working Group V has debated and considered issues in relation to international and cross-border insolvency law since at least 1995. During this time, the Working Group has produced several core documents, including the following: .
Part Two. New international economic order 189 declare the contract avoided only in respect ofthe part not performed or the contract as a whole under certain
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NABT Goes to Vienna TO ATTEND THE UN Working Group V …
2024年7月14日 · The National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees International Committee in its capacity as an invited international non-governmental organization (“NGO”) with observer status, assembled an Expert Advisory Team to attend the working session of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)’s Working Group V ...
Sessions and Events | United Nations Commission On International …
2024年11月22日 · À sa cinquante-septième session, en 2024, la CNUDCI a prié le secrétariat d’organiser un colloque sur la pertinence des instruments de la CNUDCI pour l’action climatique, notamment la Convention...
A. Objectifs clefs d’un régime d’insolvabilité simplifié 1. Les États devraient prévoir un régime d’insolvabilité simplifié et, à cette fin, envisager les principaux objectifs suivants : a)...
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Created Date: 3/18/2002 5:05:50 PM
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