UN 1131: Carbon disulfide - Substance information – HazMat Tool
Substance information for UN 1131 - Carbon disulfide based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials.
UN 1131 - 3 (6.1), I, (C/E) - ADR Dangerous Goods
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CARBON DISULFIDE† - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
2024年4月17日 · The OSHA Construction and Maritime Industries PEL is 20 ppm (60 mg/m³) as an 8 hr TWA, but there are no Construction or Maritime Ceiling or Peak values for carbon disulfide. Construction and Maritime regulations include a skin designation. See 29 CFR 1926.55 Table 1 and 29 CFR 1915.1000 Table Z-Shipyards. Health factors: See NIH-NLM PubChem.
国連番号1131は、二硫化炭素のUN番号となります。 UN1131とも表記され、IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規程)でのクラスや危険物船舶運送及び貯蔵規則、船舶による危険物の運送基準等を定める告示、航空機による爆発物等の輸送基準等を定める告示等で規定されている容器・包装の方法や品名、分類、積載方法、危険性等について規定があります。 同じ国連番号をもつ危険物でも名称とその取扱い方、ハンドリング方法が異なる品目があります。 また同一の危険物で …
CDC - NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - Carbon disulfide
Carbon bisulfide Colorless to faint-yellow liquid with a sweet ether-like odor. [Note: Reagent grades are foul smelling.]
二硫化碳的理化性质及危险特性 (SDS\MSDS)表_结构式分子量熔沸 …
人处在二硫化碳高浓度条件下,具有麻醉作用,如果持续时间长,则可由呼吸中枢麻痹使失去知觉以致死。 高浓度下,人体皮肤也能吸收,造成严重的烧伤或起泡。 二硫化碳有良好的穿透性,熏蒸粮食一般与不燃烧成份制成混剂使用。 二硫化碳对干燥种子的熏蒸不降低种子的活力。 对谷物如小麦、大麦、玉米、稻谷等,250g/m 3 熏蒸24小时,发芽不受影响。 气态二硫化碳会严重损害或杀死生长着的植物或苗木。 但 水 稀释的二硫化碳乳剂处理常青树和落叶苗木根部周围的土 …
Chemical Database: Carbon disulfide (EnvironmentalChemistry.com)
Produced by the US DOT the ERG is designed to aid first responders in quickly identifying specific or generic hazards of materials involved in an incident and protecting themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of an incident. An online version of the USDOT's listing of hazardous materials from 49CFR 172.101.
Check supervision regulations in ADR!
Carbon Disulfide Hplc Grade 1L Un1131 - cenmed.com
Formula: CS2 Formula weight: 76.14 Purity: 99.8+% CAS Number: 75-15-0 UN Number: UN1131 Hazard Class: 3 Packing Group: I Harmonized Tariff Code: 2813.10 Hazard Statements: H225-H372-H361-H302-H315-H319 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.
UN 1131 - ADR Dangerous Goods
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