UN 1908: Chlorite solution - Substance information - HazMat Tool
For combination packagings, if glass inner packagings (including ampoules) are used, they must be packed with absorbent material in tightly closed metal receptacles before packing in outer …
UN编号1908-亚氯酸盐溶液-CHLORITE SOLUTION-货物运输规则
UN1908,亚氯酸盐溶液,CHLORITE SOLUTION货物运输规则,包括IMDG、IATA及JT/T617下的危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
UN/NA 1908 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that …
UN 1908 CHLORITE SOLUTION | 8, II, (E) - ADR Dangerous Goods
ADR data for UN1908 CHLORITE SOLUTION and 1 other version(s) of this substance in the ADR system
UN number or ID number UN1908 Proper shipping name Chlorite solution Transport hazard class(es) 8 Packing group II Special Provisions A3, A7, B2, IB2, N34, T7, TP2, TP24 DOT …
UN编号危险品海运 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
un1908亚氯酸盐溶液8类 un1910氧化钙8类 un1911 乙硼烷 2.3类 un1912甲基氯和 二氯甲烷 混合物2.1类 un1913冷冻液态氖2.2类 un1914丙酸丁酯3类 un1915环已酮3类 un1916 2,2’-二氯二 …
UN Number1908-CHLORITE SOLUTION | UN No. Search-ChemRadar
UN Number1908Transport of dangerous goods, including class, proper shipping name, label, packing group and other special provisions.
Simplified View Change; Carriage restrictions: Carriage in BULK is not permitted: UN No. 1908: NAME and description: CHLORITE SOLUTION: Techical name (SP 274, 318, 61, 220)
国連番号1908|UN1908|亜塩素酸塩類(水溶液)|国連番号の …
国連番号1908は、亜塩素酸塩類(水溶液)のUN番号となります。 UN1908とも表記され、IMDGコード(国際海上危険物規程)でのクラスや危険物船舶運送及び貯蔵規則、船舶によ …
UN编号危险品海运 - 百家号
2023年11月22日 · 该文给出了多种危险化学品的UN编号和分类信息,包括亚氯酸盐溶液、氧化钙、乙硼烷、甲基氯和二氯甲烷混合物等8类物质。 这些物质可能具有危险性,需要按照相关规 …