Paint or Paint related material - HazMat Tool
Special provisions may be very complex. The extracts are taken from 49 CFR §172.102. Please be careful with the information, as necessary, additional conditions may be applied that are not written here. Please check the original source and report bugs. a.
UN/NA 3066 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that may be produced if the material spills in water, and polymerization hazards.
UN编号3066-涂料 (包括油漆、真漆、瓷漆、着色剂、紫胶、清漆 …
UN3066,涂料(包括油漆、真漆、瓷漆、着色剂、紫胶、清漆、虫胶清漆、液体填料和液体真漆基料)或涂料相关材料(包括涂料稀释剂或调稀剂),PAINT (including paint,lacquer, enamel,stain, shellac, varnish, polish,liquid filler and liquid lacquer base ) …
UN3066环氧固化剂8类危险品货代 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
环氧固化剂有一定的腐蚀性,属于8类危险品。 环氧固化剂海运危险货物运输规则 (IMDG Code) 联合国正确运输名称(中文): 涂料 (包括色漆、喷漆、搪瓷、着色剂、虫胶、清漆、抛光剂、液态填料和液态喷漆基料) 或…
eCFR :: 49 CFR 172.102 -- Special provisions.
Special provisions contain packaging provisions, prohibitions, exceptions from requirements for particular quantities or forms of materials and requirements or prohibitions applicable to specific modes of transportation, as follows:
eCFR :: 49 CFR Part 172 -- Hazardous Materials Table, Special ...
Preparation and retention of shipping papers. Description of hazardous material on shipping papers. Additional description requirements. Shipper's certification. Hazardous waste manifest.
UN 3066 PAINT (including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac ...
ADR data for UN3066 PAINT (including paint, lacquer, enamel, stain, shellac, varnish, polish, liquid filler and liquid lacquer base) or PAINT RELATED MATERIAL (including paint thinning and reducing compound) and 1 other version(s) of this substance in the ADR system
UN-No UN3066 Packing Group II Description UN3066, Paint, 8, II ICAO / IATA Contact Benjamin Moore & Co. for further information. IMDG / IMO Contact Benjamin Moore & Co. for further information. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION International Inventories TSCA: United States Yes - All components are listed or exempt.
UN Number3066-PAINT (including paint,lacquer, …
UN Number3066Transport of dangerous goods, including class, proper shipping name, label, packing group and other special provisions.
2011年11月4日 · Wash off immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not use soap. If skin surface is damaged, apply a clean dressing. Do not apply greases or ointments. If medical assistance is not immediately available, flush an additional 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Give one or two glasses of water. Do NOT induce vomiting.