UN3358,制冷机,装有易燃无毒液化气体,REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing flammable,non⁃ toxic,liquefied gas货物运输规则,包括IMDG、IATA及JT/T617下的危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
UN 3358: Refrigerating machines, containing flammable, non …
Substance information for UN 3358 - Refrigerating machines, containing flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas based on the Hazardous Materials Table (Title 49 CFR 172.101) to assist in preparing a risk assessment for loading, transporting and storing hazardous materials.
UN 3358 REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing ... - ADR …
ADR data for UN3358 REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas
国連番号3358|UN3358|冷凍機器類(引火性かつ非毒性の液化 …
国連番号3358は、日本語では冷凍機器類(引火性かつ非毒性の液化されたガスが充てんされているもの)、英語ではREFRIGERATING MACHINEScontaining flammable, non- toxic, liquefied gasのUN番号となります。 4ケタで構成される国連番号は、UN3358と書かれることも多いです。 航空機(旅客機や旅客機以外)によるエアー便で輸送する場合、UN3358が従うべき規制内容については下表の通りとなります。 国内法においては、航空機による爆発物等の輸送基準 …
UN/NA 3358 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that may be produced if the material spills in water, and polymerization hazards.
Effects of oxygen deficiency resulting from simple asphyxiate may include: rapid breathing, diminished mental alertness, impaired muscular coordination, faulty judgment, depression of all sensations, emotional instability, and fatigue.
干货|如何判别民航运输制冷压缩机和设备是否属于危险货物 - 知乎
在 IATA《危险品规则》61版 中,制冷设备是4.2表中列明的危险品,识别为 UN3358和UN2857。 制冷设备/压缩机主要的危险性来源于制冷剂,大部分的制冷剂是气体,进一步地, 制冷剂主要涉及2.1项易燃气体和2.2项非易燃无毒气体,比如常用的制冷剂R600a就分类为2.1项易燃气体,而制冷剂R12、R22、R134a、R404a 和R410a则分类为2.2项非易燃无毒气体。 然而,充装有制冷剂的压缩机和设备是否就属于空运危险品呢? 答案是否定的,ICAO TI和 IATA DGR 中明确规定: …
ADR 2023 | UN 3358, REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing …
Simplified View Change; Carriage restrictions: Carriage in BULK and ADR TANKS and PORTABLE TANKS is not permitted: UN No. 3358: NAME and description: REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas
However, the entry UN 3358 REFRIGERATING MACHINES containing flammable, non-toxic, liquefied gas, which is assigned to classification code 6 F, does not appear in the list of …
UN编号3358的货物运输规则-JTT617陆运危货UN编号查询工具-化 …