UN3378,过氧碳酸钠水合物,SODIUM CARBONATE PEROXYHYDRATE货物运输规则,包括IMDG、IATA及JT/T617下的危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
5.1类危险品海运出口流程及注意事项 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
氧化剂 具有较强的获得电子能力,有较强的氧化性,遇酸碱、高温、震动、摩擦、撞击、受潮或与易燃物品、还原剂等接触能迅速分解,有引起燃烧、爆炸的危险。 一、5.1类危险品举例. 5.1类 硝酸胍 UN1467. 5.1类 硝酸钾 UN1486. 5.1类 溴酸钠 UN1494. 5.1类 过碳酸钠 UN3378. 5.1类 红丹 UN1497. 5.1类 高氯酸钾 UN1489. 5.1类 高锰酸钾 UN1490. 5.1类 次氯酸钙 UN2880. 二、5.1类危险品海运出口的操作与存储: 氧化剂可分为能成为爆炸混合物的氧化剂和能助燃的氧化剂。 …
UN 3378: Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate - HazMat Tool
In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848. May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility.
UN编号3378的货物运输规则-IMDG Code海运危货UN编号查询工 …
UN编号3378货物运输规则,IMDG code海运危货分类、运输名称、运输标签、包装组别及其它特殊规定。
Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention. Wash off immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If skin irritation persists, call a physician. Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Get medical attention if symptoms occur.
5.1类危险品过碳酸钠海运整柜出口 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
专业危化品进出口代理,解决海运进出口疑难杂症。 用途:用作低磷和无磷洗衣粉的原料,在 纺织工业 中作漂洗剂、还原显色剂,也可单独作为消毒杀菌剂、除味剂等。 CAS号:15630-89-4. UN3378 CLASS 5.1. 联合国正确运输名称(中文): 过氧化 碳酸钠 水合物. 联合国正确运输名称(英文):SODIUM CARBONATE PEROXYHYDRATE. 海洋污染物:无. 危险品出口跟普货出口有些不一样,危险品订舱一般要提前十天左右,普货一般七天左右,上海丹吉士曹主管简单介 …
过碳酸钠-安全技术说明书MSDS - 百度文库
联合国编号危险货物编号(un号):un3378(仅供参考,请核实) 联合国运输名称:过氧化碳酸钠水合物(仅供参考,请核实) 联合国危险性分类:5.1(仅供参考,请核实)
UN/NA 3378 | CAMEO Chemicals | NOAA
UN/NA datasheets display several items from the ERG: material names, response guide PDFs, initial isolation and protective action distances, warnings about toxic-by-inhalation gases that may be produced if the material spills in water, and polymerization hazards.
ADR data for UN3378 SODIUM CARBONATE PEROXYHYDRATE and 1 other version(s) of this substance in the ADR system
UN 3378: Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate - Substance …
In this table a statement is contained for each hazard class whether the loading, transport or storage with other hazard classes is allowed, is not permitted or is restricted. The table is based on U.S.-Code 49 CFR §177.848. May not be loaded, transported, or stored together in the same transport vehicle or storage facility.