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RB Undi, JL Larabee, A Filiberti, S Ulahannan, ...
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RSC Advances实时IF数据及25年IF预测. 根据 LetPub 官网最新数据显示,截至2024年10月29日,RSC Advances的实时IF因子为3.496。综合考虑当前引用趋势、发文量变化以及热点文章的引用情况,小编预测:其2025年影响因子或将在4.88左右,比24年发布的3.9高了将近1分!
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RSC Advances
We demonstrated selective glycerol-to-1,3-PD conversion using Pt or RuO2-based dsa as anode and Zn or. Pb as cathode in NaCl and KCl at pH 1. This electrochemical glycerol-to-1,3-PD conversion is not only. green, it is a potential process network loop between biodiesel production and chlor-alkali industry.
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RSC的投稿系统看不到所投稿件的状态变化细节,一投过去就显示under review,这个是大家所共知的,第一轮投稿时,当提交完版权协议之后,在view submission 里下载所投稿件,会发现多出一个彩页,里面内容是写给审稿人看的,有些虫友以为这是送审的标志,我以我 ...
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The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 58 peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics. All of our journals offer authors the option to choose an open access licence.
Ram Babu Undi | Profiles RNS
Undi RB, Filiberti A, Ali N, Huycke MM. Cellular Carcinogenesis: Role of Polarized Macrophages in Cancer Initiation. Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jun 06; 14(11). PMID: 35681791.
Mechanistic investi-gations indicated a pivotal role of iodine as a catalytic mediator, not only facilitating redox transformations but also possibly contri-buting to the formation of sulfenyl iodide (RSI) intermediates derived from electrochemically generated disul des. Our metal- wide array of -sulfenylated aldehydes. Remarkably, these trans-
RSC Advances - 期刊影响因子 4.03 - JCR 2 区 - 中科院 3 区 - 化学 …
学术期刊 RSC Advances,期刊 ISSN: 2046-2069。 一份国际同行评审期刊,涵盖所有化学科学,包括多学科和新兴领域。 RSC ADVANCES 是一本黄金开放获取期刊,允许研究人员免费获取研究文章,并为世界各地的作者提供负担得起的开放获取出版选择。
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