Undyne - Undertale Wiki
Undyne is a piscine, anthropomorphic monster. She has blue scales and a long red ponytail. She has red and blue fins on the sides of her head, and a pair of sharp, yellow, protruding teeth. She wears a red eyeshadow and has an eyepatch over her left eye.
[Undertale]Wiki搬运第五期 Undyne详细介绍 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
Undyne - Undertale Wiki | Fandom
Undyne (/ˈʌn.daɪn/, UN-dyne) [1][2] 是一隻外貌像魚的 怪物,同時也是 皇家衛隊 的領導。 她全身包裹著盔甲,在 瀑布 一直追著 主角 跑,之後視乎玩家的抉擇,她將會被主角殺死,又或者主動離開。 Undyne初登場時穿著在陰影與光亮中亮度不同的盔甲,但是脫下盔甲她就是個人型魚怪。 她有藍色的魚鱗和長長的紅色馬尾。 她頭兩側有紅藍相間的魚鰭,還有一對尖銳的,驕傲的黃色牙齒。 她塗有紅色眼影,左眼戴著眼罩。 她也穿著黑背心和緊身褲。 她有黑色的細瞳孔和黃色的 …
Undyne - Wikipedia
Undyne is a character in the 2015 video game Undertale and the 2018 video game Deltarune. She is a monster who serves as the captain of the Royal Guard of the Underground under its king, Asgore. She is initially an antagonist to the player-character, the fallen human, but depending on the human's actions, she may become their ally. She is ...
Undertale (传说之下)全头目战斗指导——不灭的安黛因 - 知乎
之前打 Sans 用的是Gamepad,现在打Undyne the Undying用的是Gamekeyboard. 移动端玩家要学会根据敌人攻击方式的不同来用不同的虚拟键盘应对,Gamekeyboard相比Gamepad更灵敏. 如果打Sans用Gamekeyboard话,那小跳的高度很难控制. 如果打决心鱼用Gamepad的话,按键的迟 …
Undyne/In Battle - Undertale Wiki
Undyne is the third boss of the Neutral and True Pacifist route. Atop Waterfall 's crag, she gives a speech to the protagonist near the "Undyne Arena" SAVE Point. Undyne attacks with varying spear patterns from different sides of the Bullet Board. With a flick of her spear, Undyne can change the protagonist's SOUL mode to Red or Green.
Game Jolt - Share your creations
Sans and Papyrus, or Undyne and Undying? 🎮 This game was recently updated in order to fix a major, game-crashing bug. If the new update isn't loading properly, please let me know. An Underfell Fan-Game containing multiple battles! Fight...
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undertale传说之下Undyne的美图收集1 - 哔哩哔哩
Undyne是游戏《Undertale》中的登场人物,是一只外貌像鱼的怪物。 同时也是皇家卫队的领导。 她全身包裹着盔甲,在瀑布一直追着主角跑,之后视乎玩家的抉择,她将会被主角杀死,又或者主动离开。
2020年10月20日 · Undyne,是一位有着鱼类特征的怪物,她生活在瀑布之中的一处巨大的愤怒鱼形房屋。 初次登场的她身着一身阴影的铠甲,她有蓝色的鱼鳞和长长的红色马尾。 她头两侧有红蓝相间的鱼鳍,还有一对尖锐的,骄傲的黄色牙齿。 她涂有红色眼影,左眼戴着眼罩,她有黑色的细瞳孔和黄色的眼膜,不过她没有鼻子。 脱下铠甲的她确实是一个人形鱼怪,穿着黑背心和紧身裤。 不过约会时,她会换上另一套衣服:白色背心和一件黑色皮外套,短裤,淡色眼罩,并放 …
Undyne - Undertale Wiki
Undyne debuts in armor varying in light and dark shades of gray, but without armor, is a piscine, anthropomorphic monster. She has blue scales and a long red ponytail. She has red and blue fins on the sides of her head, and a pair of sharp, yellow, protruding teeth. She wears red eye shadow and has an eyepatch on her left eye.