Unholy vs Frost differences in playstyle - Death Knight - World of ...
2024年10月3日 · I never played Dk before. I used my free level boost on this guy because I really love the lore around death knights and that’s important for me to get into a class. As a completely ignorant noob, here’s my view just watching other DK’s: From what it seems, Unholy is more tanky and has better survivability.
"Best DK Names" Thread: The Good, The Great and The "Punny"
2020年11月2日 · For many of us, a lot of thought goes into finding the perfect names for our virtual alter-egos… Countless hours spent staring at the character creation screen, entering variation on variation of class-relevant words and phrases to find the one that has yet to be claimed. This thread is to dedicated to recognizing the greatest of us overthinkers and …
Zekvir ? as Unholy DK - Death Knight - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年10月15日 · Im struggling to get this guy down on ?? difficulty. I can manage to get him about halfway before getting screwed by rng add/ability placement. Anyone been able to complete this and have any tips? Talent setup, etcetera?
Frost vs unholy for PVP - Death Knight - World of Warcraft Forums
2024年10月2日 · For starters, let me just say I love both specs thematically. Always been a DK fan. I’ve been playing frost since the start of the expansion with pvp. Tonight just switched back to unholy, and dear God it’s a monster in pvp. Literally double the damage, my death coils are hitting on the high end for 700k and cleaving with no dumb stationary death and decay. How is it …
Frost or Unholy - curious on your thoughts - Death Knight - World …
2024年9月2日 · Of course its asked 500x, but just curious what you all think. I usually play ele shaman or warlock, but in dragonflight I messed with windwalker. Curious on which spec is the best in terms of balance and room for improvement in like medium-ish content. Never played DK before and gonna main it this xpac for funzies. I am fairly casual and play around keystone …
Unholy or Frost DK? : r/wow - Reddit
2022年11月5日 · Unholy DK and Frost DK are two very different play styles. The one you find enjoyable will most likely be the one that does better DPS. The charts for who’s top DPS are for people playing at the max skill ceiling. Something very very few will ever come close to.
Unholy DK Cata Classic - Ghoul dies immediately upon summon
Cataclysm Classic - after DS patch Unholy DK. Whenever I summon my ghoul it dies/falls apart/despawns immediately. This is not hyperbole about ghouls being easy to kill. I mean it literally just despawns as soon as I summon it. I have tried reloading, restarting wow, disabling all addons, and restarting my pc.
UNHOLY DK GLAD GUIDE & SETUP : r/worldofpvp - Reddit
2022年4月22日 · The reason Abomination Limb is delayed until after Unholy assault is because your apocalypse pets need a second or two to start hitting your target and you apply a debuff on the opponent with slappy hands that increase all damage taken by you by 20% for 12 seconds, so your pets benefit from the entire 12 seconds of it aswell as the rotation ...
Best horde unholy death knight race? : r/wow - Reddit
Goblin - rocket jump (nice for mobility on DK) and bank summon Nightborne - mailbox summon Vulpera - make camp (place hearthstone wherever you want) Again, race doesn't matter that much for performance, just pick what looks good and you get some extra minor perks
Dk or ret? - Death Knight - World of Warcraft Forums
2023年11月27日 · Hello! Just curious, which plays smoother and has berter survivability in pve? I played ret and it feels really nice but i prefer the esthetic of dk. Thank you!