University of Graz
The University of Graz is a hub for international research and brings together scientists and business experts. Moreover, it fosters the exchange and cooperation in study and teaching. Spotlight
Universität Graz – We work for tomorrow - Universität Graz
Lösungen für die Welt von morgen entwickeln – das ist unsere Mission. Erfahre mehr über die Universität Graz, unsere Forschungsprofil und Studienangebot.
Studieren an der Universität Graz - University of Graz
The University of Graz is a hub for international research and brings together scientists and business experts. Moreover, it fosters the exchange and cooperation in study and teaching. Spotlight
University of Graz - Wikipedia
The University of Graz (German: Universität Graz, formerly: Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz) is a public research university located in Graz, Austria. It is the largest and oldest university in Styria, as well as the second-largest and second-oldest university in Austria.
Admission - International Students
Applications can only be submitted within the submission deadlines. There is an submission deadlines for the winter semester (semester starts in October) and a submission deadlines for the summer semester (semester starts in March). Detailed information on the submission deadlines can be found here.
ESN Uni Graz
Welcome to the website of ESN Uni Graz! We are a non-profit student organisation and take care of incoming students during their stay in Graz. Here's a short summary of what we do: Organising the Buddy Programme (Uni Graz and TU Graz) Provide helpful information about Graz; Organising events for incoming students and how you can participate
International Students
The Office for Academic Affairs at the University of Graz provides international students with all the information they need for admission: required language certificates, important deadlines and dates at a glance - for a successful start to your studies.
University of Graz | World University Rankings | THE
501–600th in World University Rankings 2025. Founded in 1585, the University of Graz is the second oldest university in Austria as well as being one of its largest.
Students - University of Graz - uni-graz.at
studium.uni-graz.at Universitätsplatz 3a/II 8010 Graz +43 316 380 - 1066 4students-Studien-Info-Service Send us a message! Sending message... Thank you for your message! ...
uniYOU - Uni Graz
uniYOU der Uni Graz ist ein Webportal für Studierende, das die wichtigsten Informationen und Services für das Studium bietet.