Is the Lian Li Unifan Controller Necessary or Not? : r/lianli - Reddit
2021年9月6日 · Hey I know this thread is old, but would it still work if I plugged the pwm wire from a block of three fans into the cpu header for motherboard control, and the rgb header for the …
Lian Li Unifan SL120 L-Connect Issues [Possible Solution] - Reddit
Fans: Lian Li Unifan with their controller and cables (there are 7 fans total in my setup with this controller). The controller has two plugs for the MB. One is the 4 pin (with only 3 wires) that …
All about Lian Li Uni Fans : r/lianli - Reddit
2021年1月5日 · For decades Lian Li has brought to market some of the highest quality PC cases. From early brushed aluminum works of art to today's enthusiast grade cases, we welcome all.
Lian-Li UNIFAN SL120 default lighting on boot — Micro Center
Hello all, I completed my first build ever 2 weeks ago and love it with a passion but there’s 1 minor problem. The Lian-Li UNIFAN SL120’s ALWAYS reset to default lighting on boot and I’m …
Uni fan RGB not working : r/lianli - Reddit
2020年12月19日 · Posted by u/kpanilan - 24 votes and 48 comments
Would you recommend the Uni Fans? : r/lianli - Reddit
2021年6月17日 · The other I gave up on, and made the move to Unifan SL120 V2 3 pack, and AL120 3 pack and will build my case around whichever fan lightning I like better. Building in a …
Lian Li UNI FANs SL120 not detected and firmware update fail
2022年6月23日 · We have the exact same problem with our fans and aio. But we bought lian li strimers which came with another controller and that controller is found by Windows and by L …
Lian Li Uni SL-INF or TL for case fans + radiators : r/lianli - Reddit
2023年12月29日 · Hey all. With the new TL (non-LCD) fans that just released, I'm wondering if it's worth it to use those over the SL-INF 120 (particularly the reverse fans). I do see that the TLs …
Uni Fan TL LCD fans not detected by l-connect 3 : r/lianli - Reddit
there is a new update: i just did a clean uninstall l-connect version 2.0.9 and then installed 1.7.4. and everything worked. but this version doesn't support tl lcd fans so of course they didn't …
Solution for Lian Li Unifans PWM Mode to improve noise/temps.
2021年11月10日 · Plug that PWM cable (from your fan group) to a fan header on the motherboard you can easily locate/name instead of the Unifan controller (I for example plugged it into the …