Université de Genève - Université de Genève
S'inscrire à l'UNIGE. Immatriculations; Formalités durant les études; Poser une question; L'UNIGE vous informe. UNIGE Mobile; Médias; Offres d'emploi; Bibliothèque; Calendrier académique; Médias sociaux UNIGE
Università degli Studi di Genova | UniGe
Esplora i 61 corsi di studio triennali che puoi trovare in UniGe. In UniGe trovi 7 corsi di laurea a ciclo unico. Tra i corsi di questa categoria puoi trovare Medicina e Giurisprudenza. Scegli il corso che ti interessa di più. Prosegui i tuoi studi scegliendo tra i 60 corsi di laurea magistrale.
University of Geneva - Université de Genève
Le Triangle Azur est un réseau de coopération qui réunit les universités de Genève, Lausanne et Neuchâtel afin de coordonner leurs activités, soutenir des projets communs et partager leurs expériences en matière de gouvernance.
About the University - Université de Genève
Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva enjoys worldwide recognition and ranks amongst the top 100 best universities in the world. A polyvalent institution, it fosters the emergence of inter- and multidisciplinary fields in both research and teaching.
University of Geneva - Wikipedia
The University of Geneva (French: Université de Genève) is a public research university located in Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded in 1559 by French theologian John Calvin as a theological seminary. [3][4] It remained focused on theology until the 17th century, when it became a center for enlightenment scholarship.
University of Genoa | UniGe
Learn about the University of Genoa's research and innovation projects funded under international, European and national research and innovation programs. With 97 active patents and an average of 14 new patents per year, the University of Genoa is above the national average of 6.3 applications filed each year.
International | UniGe | University of Genoa
International cooperation is one of the main goals of the University of Genoa. By cooperating with foreign institutions and stakeholders, the University aims at increasing educational, scientific and cultural exchanges.
International - International - UNIGE
« 4EU+ Explore Funds ». Délai d'inscription: 28 février 2025.
International students enrollments | UniGe | University of Genoa
In addition to the 14-degree courses in English, UniGe offers 114 courses in Italian, for a total of 128 courses in 11 topics. Find out which ones are right for you and choose the course that suits you best. In the period between March and July, you have to contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the State where you are resident. Here you:
International enrollment | UniGe | University of Genoa
Check the information on how to submit the application for recognition of a foreign qualification (Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree), the period in which to apply and the necessary documents. Go to the dedicated page. Check the steps in detail: