UNMIS | United Nations Mission in Sudan
In support of the new nation, the Security Council established a successor mission to UNMIS – the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) – on 9 July for an initial period of one year, with the …
UNMIS Background - United Nations Mission in the Sudan
UNMIS's origin, history, contextual antecedents and causes leading to the establishment of the United Nations peacekeeping mission.
United Nations Mission in Sudan - Wikipedia
The United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) was established by the UN Security Council under Resolution 1590 [1] of 24 March 2005, in response to the signing of the Comprehensive …
United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) - United Nations …
2011年7月9日 · The mandate of UNMIS ended on July 9th following the completion of the interim period set up by the Government of Sudan and SPLM during the signing of the …
Mandate - UNMIS
Having determined that the situation in Sudan continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security, the Security Council, by its resolution 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005, …
UNMIS - United Nations Mission In Sudan - Library of Congress
The official website of the United Nations Mission in Sudan. UNMIS has been mandated by the UN Security Council to monitor and support the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace …
UNMIS Facts and Figures - United Nations Mission in the Sudan
2005年3月24日 · UNMIS peacekeeping mission's factual information, such as authorized and current strength, military and police contributing countries, fatalites and financing and …
Resolution 1590 (2005) - United Nations Digital Library System
2005年3月24日 · Decides to establish UNMIS for an initial period of 6 months and further decides that UNMIS will consist of 10,000 military personnel and 715 civilian personnel; requests the …
About - UNMIS
In support of the new nation, the Security Council established a successor mission to UNMIS – the UN Mission in South Sudan – on 9 July for an initial period of one year, with the intention …
63 United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) - Oxford Academic
2014年9月2日 · This chapter focuses on the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS), a peacekeeping mission formed by the UN Security Council in March 2005 to support the …