United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia - Wikipedia
The United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) [a] was a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Cambodia in 1992–93 formed following the 1991 Paris Peace …
联合国柬埔寨临时权力机构(联柬权力机构, 英文: United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia)是在1992-1993年期间设置的以指挥在 柬埔寨 的 联合国维和行动 的机构。 这也 …
柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
柬埔寨过渡时期联合国权力机构 (英语: U nited N ations T ransitional A uthority in C ambodia, UNTAC),简称 联柬权力机构,是 联合国 在1992年至1993年间于 柬埔寨 实施维和行动时 …
The United Nations was to set up an operation, the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), which would: supervise the ceasefire, the end of foreign military …
UNTAC | United Nations Peacekeeping
UNTAC Fact sheet United Nations Transitional Authority in CambodiaLocation:
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
2014年9月2日 · This chapter assesses the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), a peacekeeping mission deployed by the UN Security Council from February 1992 …
Cambodia: The Legacy and Lessons of UNTAC - SIPRI
The United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) was set up in February 1992 to implement the Paris Peace Accords of October 1991, the product of intense diplomatic activity …
国際連合カンボジア暫定統治機構 - Wikipedia
国際連合カンボジア暫定統治機構 (こくさいれんごうカンボジアざんていとうちきこう、 英語: United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia 、 クメール語: …
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992 …
Established by Security Council resolution 745 (1992) of 28 February 1992, and fully operational by 15 March 1992, the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) was …
Acquiesce for Success: UNTAC in Cambodia - Oxford Academic
2025年1月10日 · Chapter 3 examines the UN Transitional Administration in Cambodia (UNTAC). UNTAC was one of the first large post-Cold War multidimensional peacekeeping missions and …