氟化铀酰 - 百度百科
uf6极易水解,当释放到空气中时,与水或水蒸气发生剧烈的水解反应,形成氟化铀酰(uo2f2)和氟化氢(hf),并放出大量热。 如果空气中湿度足够的话,水解反应的同时伴随着HF的聚合与解聚过程,及形成HF-H2O混合物由三氧化铀与氟化氢反应(约500℃)而制得。
Uranyl fluoride - Wikipedia
Uranyl fluoride is the inorganic compound with the formula UO 2 F 2. It is most notable as a contaminant in the production of uranium tetrafluoride. [1] As shown by X-ray crystallography, the uranyl (UO 22+) centers are complemented by six fluoride ligands. [2] This salt is very soluble in water as well as hygroscopic.
Uranyl fluoride | F2H2O2U | CID 26096 - PubChem
2009年5月28日 · Uranium fluoride is a fluoride of uranium. Uranium is a chemical element that has the symbol U and atomic number 92. It is a normal part of rocks, soil, air, and water, and occurs in nature in the form of minerals. (L248, L249) L248: Wikipedia. Uranium. Last Updated 28 May 2009. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium.
Chemical Transformations of Hydrated Uranyl Fluoride
2020年8月13日 · The chemical behavior of uranyl fluoride (UO2F2), a byproduct of the nuclear fuel cycle, is of significant interest for nuclear security applications. Two phases of uranyl fluoride (UO2F2 and [(UO2F2)(H2O)]7·4H2O) have been previously identified; these structures and the phase transition between them are further characterized in this work.
Uranyl Fluoride SDS | IBILABS.com
UO2F2 when heated to decomposition at 300°C, will emit toxic fluoride fumes. Hydrofluoric acid burns require immediate and specialized first aid and medical treatment. Symptoms may be delayed for up to 24 hours. Skin exposure can be treated with calcium gluconate.
Thermodynamic analysis of uranium oxides fluorination with HF …
2020年4月27日 · The reaction between UO2F2(s) and HF(g) to produce UF4(s) is thermodynamically feasible at temperatures higher than 680, 320 and 160 °C for pO2(g) 10−3, 10−4 and 10−5 atm, respectively. This appears to be a potential yield loss mechanism during the fluorination in flow reactors.
Ultrafast Laser Filament-induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of …
2018年8月2日 · We demonstrate that ultrafast laser filamentation coupled with LIF extends the capabilities of standard LIF to enable remote detection of UO 2 F 2. An intense femtosecond laser pulse propagated...
Electronic structure and chemical bonding properties of UO2F2 …
2009年8月1日 · Analyses of the density of states (PDOS) and chemical bonding properties show that the VB lower part is dominated by U (d)–F (p) bonding while the VB upper part comprises U (f)–O (p) strong covalent interactions. These results provide a band structure illustration of the complex uranyl cation UO 22+. 1. Introduction.
Synthesis and Morphological Control of UO2F2 Particulates
Uranyl fluoride (UO2F2) is a compound which forms in the reaction between water and uranium hexafluoride, a uranium containing gas widely used for uranium enrichment. Uranyl fluoride exhibits negligible natural background in atmosphere; as a result, its observation implies the presence and active operation of nearby enrichment facilities and ...
Complex sublimation/decomposition of uranyl fluoride: …
cheminform abstract: complex sublimation/decomposition of uranyl fluoride: thermodynamics of gaseous uranyl fluoride (uo2f2) and uranium oxide fluoride (uof4). Chemischer Informationsdienst 1985 , 16 (52) https://doi.org/10.1002/chin.198552013