UOP 744-2019 石油馏分中芳烃的气相色谱法 标准全文
2 天之前 · UOP 744-2019的标准全文信息,本方法适用于确定石油馏分或沸点不超过210°C的芳香化合物,可以检测C6到C10的单独芳香化合物,并将C11及更重的芳香物作为一个整体报告。石油馏分中芳烃的气相色谱法, Aromatics in Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography, Aromat
A fast-to-market design approach can enable startup in less than 36 months from technology selection. A UOP-supplied modular CCR is available to simplify construction. Throughout project execution, UOP experts draw on the industry’s largest pool of operational experience coming from the 30 Oleflex units currently operating worldwide.
Honeywell Oleflex - UOP Home
DES PLAINES, Ill., Sept. 10, 2019 — Honeywell (NYSE: HON) announced today that Sonatrach Total Entreprise Polymères (STEP) has selected Honeywell UOP’s C 3 Oleflex™ technology to produce 565,000 metric tons per year of polymer-grade propylene for …
UOP Home
UOP is the leading international supplier and technology licensor for the petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical production and major manufacturing
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丙烯 2 氢气 体化整合。霍尼韦尔UOP的OleflexTM工艺是行业领先的丙烷 脱氢技术。UOP凭借其领先的专业知识并不断投入技术研发,以确保该工艺的持续
Honeywell UOP Reintroduces FIA Reagent
DES PLAINES, Ill., Oct. 9, 2019 — Honeywell announced today that Ceyhan Polipropilen Uretim A.Ş. will use Honeywell UOP’s C 3 Oleflex™ technology to produce 457,000 metric tons per year of polymer-grade propylene for a new petrochemicals complex in Ceyhan, Turkey.
Technology: UOP Advanced MTO Process - ppPLUS
2024年8月10日 · The UOP Advanced MTO Process integrates the UOP/Hydro MTO process and the Total Petrochemicals/UOP Olefin Cracking Process (OCP) to provide an economical means to convert methanol to light olefins, primarily ethylene and propylene [1].
UOP744, Aromatics in hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography
The UOP744 describes the method for individual determination of C6 through C10 aromatic compounds in petroleum distillates or aromatic concentrates having a final boiling point of …
关于霍尼韦尔UOP - Honeywell
借助霍尼韦尔UOP的工艺技术、设备和生命周期解决方案,客户可以从每滴石油、每立方天然气和每吨煤炭中创造更大价值。 另外,通过互联软件,霍尼韦尔UOP 可以使用数字工具,确保客户工厂以更优状态运行,从而帮助他们提升效率和利润率。 全球分布
2019年9月4日 · 霍尼韦尔UOP是芳烃生产工艺技术的全球领先授权商。 截至2018年,霍尼韦尔UOP已在全球各地授权了100多套芳烃联合装置和700多套独立芳烃生产装置,其中包括370多套CCR Platforming工艺装置、160多套Sulfolane装置、80多套Isomar装置、60多套Tatoray装置和100多套Parex装置。