UOP CCR Platforming - UOP Home
The technological breakthrough brought by CCR Platforming solved a growing environmental problem and greatly improved the economics of refining. Today, more than 380 CCR Platforming units have been licensed worldwide. The CCR section allowed refiners to continuously remove coke accumulating on the catalyst.
CCR regenerator is optimized for continuous steady-state regeneration. Features of the CCR regenerator include: • An elegant design that rejuvenates spent catalyst to like-fresh condition while maximizing catalyst life • A safe transition between hydrocarbon and oxygen-containing equipment is automatically assured by UOP’s reliable Catalyst
The UOP catalyst regeneration control system (CRCS) performs these key functions. The key to the regeneration capability and reliability of the CRCS is UOP’s expertise in the functional require- ments of the CCR Platforming process. The UOP CRCS design provides for: The control function regulates the rate of catalyst flow through the regenerator.
CCR 再生单元-能源与可持续技术-霍尼韦尔中国 - Honeywell
霍尼韦尔 UOP CCR 再生单元是 UOP Platforming™和Oleflex™工艺不可或缺的部分,用于制造汽油和石化原料。 作为现场施工的替代方案,UOP提供了一种模块化方法,以固定的价格和时间表提供可靠、高质量和具有成本竞争力的单元。
CCR PlatformingTM(铂重整)工艺一类的连续 再生重整装置可通过使用球形移动床催化剂,在有氢条件下将低质 量石脑油转换成汽油用发动机燃料共混料、BTX芳烃,以及用于其
The Honeywell UOP CCR Platforming™ Process for BTX …
In the UOP CCR (Continuous Catalyst Regeneration) Platforming TM process, naphthas rich in paraffins and naphthenes are converted to aromatic hydrocarbons by contacting with a platinum-containing acidic catalyst at elevated temperatures. This chapter will review the history of CCR Platforming and discuss market trends, naphtha properties ...
UOP_CCR_重整通用操作手册(印刷版) - 道客巴巴
2016年1月31日 · uop 公司的催化重整工艺致力于不断地改进以适应工业需求的不断变化,由于重整催化剂、重整工艺及工程领域方面的共同努力,提高了重整工艺的操作灵活性,这就适应了当前和将来工业的需要。
CCR Regenerator Section - UOP Home
The Honeywell UOP CCR Regenerator Section is an integral part of the UOP Platforming TM and Oleflex TM processes used to create gasoline and petrochemical feedstocks. As an alternative to field construction, UOP offers a modular approach providing a dependable, high quality and cost competitive unit delivered at a fixed price and schedule.
UOP_CCR_重整通用操作手册(印刷版) - 豆丁网
2011年9月6日 · 发应用,uop共开发了六个系列的双金属催化剂,铂/铼催化剂r-16和r-18系列,r-20 系列,R-30系列,R-50压条型系列,R-60系列和最新的R-130系列。 这些催化剂都表
CCR PlatformingTM(铂重整)工艺一类的连 续再生重整装置可通过使用球形移动床催化剂,在有氢条件下将低 质量石脑油转换成汽油用发动机燃料共混料、BTX 芳烃,以及用于