1970s, Ortloff Gas Subcooled Process (GSP) technology is the workhorse in the gas processing industry, providing significantly higher ethane and/ or propane recoveries from natural gas streams than traditional standard single-stage expander designs. UOP …
Modular NGL Recovery - UOP Home
UOP offers revamp solutions to upgrade your existing unit for increased recovery and/or rejection. More Capacity with Higher Recovery. UOP Russell standard size cryogenic plants range from 40 MMSCFD to > 300 MMSCFD. The new UOP Russell SC30 is the first modular cryogenic gas plant capable of processing 300 million cubic feet-per-day.
Revamps & Upgrades - UOP Home
We can help lower your acid gas removal costs with a UOP Benfield Process revamp. Existing hot potassium carbonate systems can reduce energy usage by 15 percent or more and increase capacity by 15-40 percent through an easy upgrade.
Modular NGL recovery - Chemical Engineering | Page 1
2021年3月1日 · Honeywell UOP (Des Plaines, Ill.; www.uop.com) has adapted its recycle-split-vapor (RSV) technology for natural-gas liquid (NGL) recovery into a new, modular offering, RSV2, which enables quick retrofitting of existing gas-processing plants with minimal downtime.
UOP标准 - 道客巴巴
2017年11月27日 · UOP标准UOP1-87馏程重的石油和焦渣的测定UOP41-07石油馏分医生测试UOP79-87石油馏分分馏UOP99-07戊烷不溶物使用的膜过滤器在石油油UOP163-10硫化氢和液态烃硫醇硫,电位滴定法UOP0-00轻质石油馏分油和液化石油气的二硫化硫炼油厂使用的腐蚀性溶液UOP09-00碱度,硫化氢和硫醇分析电位滴定法中的烃类气体的 ...
FANUC机器人UOP:控制信号(UI/UO)各项作用 - 知乎
安全速度信号 (SFSPD)在安全防护栅栏门开启时使机器人暂停。 该信号通常连接于安全防护栅栏门的安全插销。 SFSPD 输入始终有效,通常情况下处在ON。 在不使用IMSTP、*HOLD、*SFS PD信号的情况下,跨接这些信号线 (常闭点)。 循环停止信号 (CSTOPI)结束当前执行中的程序 (始终有效)。 通过 RSR 来解除处在待命状态下的程序。 系统设定画面 [6系统设定,系统设定]中将“CSTOPI输入后,程序强制结束”设定为无效的话,再将当前执行中的程序执行到末尾后结束程 …
UOP Schedule A Training Overview External
UOP employs project managers, engineers, and specialists to develop Schedule A packages through various project stages. The document discusses Schedule A, which is UOP Engineering's main design engineering product for new process units or revamps.
UOP’s Ortloff Recycle Split Vapor 2 (RSV2) process is an enhancement to Ortloff’s original Recycle Split Vapor (RSV) technology when retrofitting an existing NGL Recovery plant using Gas Subcooled Process (GSP) technology. The RSV2 process for retrofits can provide equal or higher ethane recovery from natural
PM/350T Week 2 - UOP Tutorials
Global Systems in Proximity, Inc. (GSP) is a software company that is developing a brand-new indoor positioning technology that the company expects to be disruptive in the industry. GSP expects to be awarded several patents on this technology.
4-4.微操作 · 现代CPU上的性能分析与优化 - GitHub Pages
具有 x86 架构的微处理器将复杂的 CISC 类指令转换为简单的 RISC 类微操作,缩写为 \mu μ ops。 例如,像 ADD rax, rbx 这样的简单加法指令只会生成一个 \mu μ op,而更复杂的指令比如 ADD rax, [mem] 可能生成两个:一个用于从 mem 内存位置读取到临时(未命名)寄存器,另一个用于将其添加到 rax 寄存器。 指令 ADD [mem], rax 会生成三个 \mu μ ops:一个用于从内存读取,一个用于相加,一个用于将结果写回内存。 将指令分割成微操作的主要优点是 \mu μ ops …