Vortex separation technology: VSS and VDSSM The patented Vortex Separation System (VSS) for internal riser reactors and Vortex Disengager StripperSM (VDS) for external riser reactors represent the state-of-the art in riser termination technology.
For the first time, UOP Company (USA) developed a separation system with a closed cover outside the riser, namely VDS sys-tem and/or VSS. The VDS system has a stripping unit at the bottom of a rough vortex separation system and forms a two-stage stripping system.
Optimization and debottlenecking - ScienceDirect
2020年1月1日 · UOP's current riser termination device offering is the vortex separation system (VSS), as shown in Fig. 14.2. VSS is for FCC units having an internal riser and a similar design (vortex disengaging system (VDS)) is for external risers.
UOP工艺技术在催化裂化装置的应用-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊 …
采用完全再生工艺、VSS旋分系统、高效AFTM环形挡板三段汽提、全重力流密相外取热器等关键设备和技术。 运行情况表明,该装置具有良好的重油转化和抗重金属污染能力,产品分布较为理想。
提升管末端快分技术进展 - 百度文库
VDS快分的特点是在粗旋下部加了1台预汽提器,形成二级汽提,粗旋升气管与顶旋入口相联 (中间脱开一个环形空间,可允许汽提气进入) ;而VSS快分是提升管出口端有几个弯成一定角度的弯臂,使油剂混合物以旋流形式喷出。
UOP催化裂化技术在炼厂的应用 - 百度文库
2.4 采用VSS快速分离技术该技术提升管末端和汽提段完全内置于 VSS 室内,VSS 与沉降器单级旋分的直连技术和带有 AFTM 环形汽提挡板设 计技术,能够有效实现反应器末端催化剂 - 油气快速的分离,密度 20℃ 硫含量 氮含量 残碳 钒含量 镍含量kg/m3
Feed injection, riser-termination systems replaced in fast-track …
1996年7月28日 · In 1995, Consumers' Co-operative Refineries Ltd. (CCRL) successfully revamped the 19,500 b/sd UOP fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit at its Regina, Sask., refinery.
UOP催化裂化反应技术的应用 - renrendoc.com
2021年1月5日 · 3、反应技术改造内容美国UOP公司于上世纪90年代末期,成功开发出VSS技术即以提升管出口旋转式快分技术为核心的反应技术,并成功进行了工业应用.大港石化公司于2000年6月份对装置进行UOP反应技术改造,8月份进行开工投产,主要改造的内容如下.1.1提升管末端快分 ...
Question 12: For FCC units with closed riser termination device …
Operating unsealed eliminates the dense bed, submerging the primary disengager, and consequently minimizes hydrocarbon entrainment into the dense bed where it might overcrack. At UOP, we have designed our VSS reactors both ways. Our VSS riser termination devices are internally stripped, so very little hydrocarbon is entrained into the dense bed.
Basic structures of the VDS and VSS systems - ResearchGate
Five basic processes are involved in the FCC operation, including feed pretreatment, conversion, heat and pressure recovery, effluent separation, and product treatment [13]. ... Fluid catalytic...
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