BBU Quick Installation Guide(V100R005C10_04)(PDF)-EN
1. Connect the 3V3 connector or HDEPC connector at one end of the BBU power cable to the -48 V port on the UPEU module of the BBU, and tighten the screws on the connector to 0.25 N•m. 2. Connect the other end of the BBU power cable to the TP48200A cabinet. a) Connect the cord end terminal to the BLVD 16 A MCB port F6.
how to connect the boolean alarm for TP48200A
how to connect the boolean alarm for TP48200A ( PMU+CMUC+UPEU) Handling Process. NA. Root Cause. NA. Solution.
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(Infographic)eNodeB Quick Start (V100R005C10_01) - Huawei …
Converts power from –48 V DC into +12 V DC, supplies power to boards/modules in the subrack, POWER1 (slot 19) > UPEU 1 provides two ports for RS485 signals and eight POWER0 (slot 18) dry contacts for alarm signals, and adopts the anti-misinsertion design.
BBU 快速安装指南(V100R005C10_04)(PDF)-CN - Huawei Technical …
是 upeu run 常亮 绿色闪烁( 亮, 灭) 是 fan state 1s 1s 结束 6 附录 a 装配ot端子与电缆 1. 剥去线缆外皮,露出长度为l1的电缆导 2. 剥去线缆外皮,露出长度为L1的电缆导 2.
更换新的LPMT\UMPT重装软件版本步骤 - 华为
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Power-BBU Module - OceanStor V500R007 Kunpeng 2000, 5000, …
A Power-BBU module consists of a power module and a BBU. Only AC power modules are supported and they allow controller enclosures to work correctly in maximum power consumption.
Conexión de los cables a conectores Staubli MC4
Si el cable de entrada de CC está conectado de manera inversa y los interruptores de CC están en la posición ON (encendidos), no apague dichos interruptores ni vuelva a conectar los conectores positivos y negativos inmediatamente.